Best Amazon Software of 2023

best Amazon software

Product Research Category

Product Research Category

The winner of this category is… Helium 10. Congrats!

Helium 10 is one of the few tools in this category that has a variety of features that help Amazon sellers with a variety of tasks. Black Box, its native product research tool, allows for more insightful results. This feature includes data points that sellers will find useful when deciding which product to add to an existing brand.

PPC Management Category

The winner of this category is… Adtomic by Helium 10 and Prestozon. Congrats!

Adtomic from Helium 10 is a real game-changer for Amazon sellers when it comes to PPC management. This tool gives you a comprehensive overview of your business, encompassing advanced ad management capabilities, checking out sales trends, and keeping an eye on your competitors.

Reimbursement Service Category

The winner of this category is… GETIDA. Congrats!

GETIDA is a game-changer for Amazon sellers, seeking to navigate the intricacies of FBA reimbursements. GETIDA excels in identifying FBA discrepancies and pinpointing cases eligible for reimbursement. They also provide sellers with detailed reports a lifesaver tool for dealing with Amazon's Seller Central.

Listing Launch & Promotion Category

The winner of this category is… JoinBrands. Congrats!

JoinBrands changing the game with their unique approach to listing launches. Beyond being a traditional giveaway: It's an Influencer Platform. JoinBrands focuses on strategic collaborations and brand partnerships, boosting product visibility and customer engagement. 

Repricing Tools Category

The winner of this category is… BQool & AZ Seller Kit. Congrats!

AZ Seller Kit stands out with its user-friendly repricing solutions, empowering sellers to finely tune their Amazon inventory prices for optimal competitiveness and profit. BQool, known for its dynamic repricing solutions, excels in securing the Buy Box and revolutionizing the repricing game by providing sellers with precision in adjusting their Amazon inventory prices.  strategies.

best Amazon software

Keyword & Product Research​

Finding the right keywords can make all the difference, especially if you’re a new seller or an experienced Amazon seller launching a new product. 

To generate the best keywords to make this process easier, the tool preferred by the majority of the respondents continues to be Helium 10 which has held the top spot in this category four years in a row and saw a 15% increase in votes this year compared to 2022.  

PPC Management

Amazon is increasingly a pay-to-play marketplace. Managing PPC effectively (and keeping ACOS low) can be challenging when managing dozens or more ASINs. Software helps make this more manageable. Check out our free PPC guide for managing PPC effectively without software.

Here's the scoop: the most important fact we found in this year's poll is that the number of people who don't use PPC software keeps growing and growing compared to other years.

However, the people who use one chose Adtomic by Helium 10 and Prestozon as their favorite tool in this category. We can also see how some new players are entering the field strong, one of them being Scale Insights.

best Amazon software

Reimbursement Services

With the number of orders Amazon has each day, it’s no surprise that some of your orders get lost, damaged, or charged incorrect fees. Reimbursement services help sellers recover money from Amazon for things such as lost inventory.

While most sellers still prefer not to use any tool to help claim these discrepancies, GETIDA has continued to impress Amazon sellers. Although they weren’t the top category for reimbursement services in 2022, they bagged the gold this year for those who use a product reimbursement tool. With a longstanding presence in the field, it remains a favorite for many as evidenced by consistently being in the top 3.

best Amazon software

Repricing Tools

The price of your product serves as the fundamental basis for shoppers to choose between similar products. For sellers to have a better shot at competing with their competitors while making sure they get the most revenue from every product sold, repricing tools can adjust these prices automatically. 

Of the different tools available, AZ Seller Kit and BQool have risen to the top of the rankings, taking down FeedVisor whose numbers have dropped from 18.8% in 2022 to only 1.8% in 2023.

Listing Launch & Promotion

Getting initial sales velocity for your products is critical. Maintaining it is equally as important. That’s why sellers use tools to help get product sales through product promotions.

The majority of respondents still choose not to invest in product giveaway software, but that may soon change with the launch of JoinBrands.

As a newcomer to the category, JoinBrands managed to rank 2nd among other tools demonstrating greater adaptability to contemporary marketing by collaborating with influencers and targeting broader audiences.

E534: The Winners of EcomCrew's 2023 Software Poll

In this episode, Dave and I will be revealing the winners (a couple of which you might not have expected) of last year’s survey to find out the Best Amazon Seller Software across five categories:

  • Product and Keyword Research
  • PPC Management
  • Reimbursement Services
  • Repricing Tool
  • Lsting Launch & Promotion

On top of that, we’ll be talking about the software that we use in our day to day basis, and whether it's something Dave and I can't live without, the significant shifts in software usage among sellers, and the future of the SaaS ecosystem. 


Helena Fernandez Morano

I'm proud to be part of an amazing group of talented political scientists who never shy away from blazing new trails, especially in uncertain times. Outside of my work in this field, I delve into the fascinating world of eCommerce. I'm always eager to join projects with scope, where I can team up with people who inspire me.
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