Adobe Commerce (Magento) vs. Shopify: Which One Is Better for 2024?

E-commerce platforms are essential for businesses that want to establish an online presence. For sellers who want to have more control of their stores, Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento) and Shopify are two of the most popular platforms available.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive comparison of Adobe Commerce and Shopify, guiding readers through the key aspects of each platform. 

What Is Magento? | Pricing varies | Ecommerce platform

Adobe Commerce, formerly known as Magento, is an open-source e-commerce platform that was launched in 2008. It was initially developed by Varien, a Los Angeles-based company, and later acquired by Fay in 2011. In 2015, Magento became an independent company, and in 2018, it was acquired by Adobe for $1.68 billion—hence, the name change.

Adobe Commerce's powerful and flexible platform has made it a popular choice among developers and businesses alike. It is built on PHP, utilizing elements of the Zend Framework, and provides a robust and scalable solution for online retailers.

The site primarily targets medium to large businesses that require a high degree of customization and scalability in their e-commerce platform. 

With its extensive range of features and a vast ecosystem of third-party extensions, Adobe Commerce is well-suited for businesses looking to create unique and feature-rich online stores.

What Is Magento?

Is Magento the Right Fit For Your Business?

Magento is best suited for businesses that are looking to scale and have the technical resources to maintain and develop a highly customized e-commerce platform. With a rich ecosystem of extensions and a large community of developers, Magento can cater to the unique requirements of a growing business.

However, Magento may not be the best choice for small businesses or those with limited technical resources, as it requires a certain level of expertise to set up, maintain, and optimize. 

For those businesses, a more user-friendly and accessible platform like Shopify may be a better fit.

What Is Shopify? | From $29.00/Month | Ecommerce platform

Shopify is a leading cloud-based e-commerce platform that was founded in 2006 by Tobias Lütke, Daniel Weinand, and Scott Lake. Originally designed to meet the needs of their own online snowboard store, the founders quickly realized the potential of their platform and launched it as a standalone product.

Since then, Shopify has grown exponentially, serving more than a million businesses in over 175 countries. 

With a focus on ease of use and a rich library of apps, themes, and integrations, Shopify has become a popular choice for businesses of all sizes.

Shopify's target audience includes small to medium-sized businesses looking for a user-friendly, all-in-one e-commerce platform that provides essential features out of the box. 

With its intuitive interface, Shopify enables business owners with limited technical knowledge to build and manage their online stores with ease.

What Is Shopify?

Is Shopify the Right Fit for Your Business?

Shopify is an ideal choice for businesses that require a straightforward, easy-to-use e-commerce platform with a comprehensive set of features. It is particularly well-suited for small and medium-sized businesses that do not have the technical resources or expertise to maintain a more complex platform like Magento.

Shopify's extensive library of apps, themes, and integrations also makes it easy for businesses to customize their online stores without requiring extensive development work. 

Moreover, with its affordable pricing plans and 24/7 customer support, Shopify is a reliable and cost-effective solution for businesses looking to establish and grow their online presence.

Adobe Commerce vs. Shopify

The table below shows the most salient features of Adobe Commerce and Shopify to help you make an informed decision.

  Adobe Commerce (Magento) Shopify
Features Open-source platform
Wide variety of extensions and integrations
B2B functionality
Advanced SEO capabilities
Fully hosted platform
App store with thousands of apps and integrations
POS system available
Basic SEO tools
Pricing Free Community Edition
Paid Enterprise Edition (price varies)
Hosting and maintenance costs are not included
Plans start at $19/month
Advanced plans up to $299/month
Hosting and SSL included
Usability Steeper learning curve
Requires technical expertise for setup and maintenance
User-friendly interface
Easy setup and management
Customization Highly customizable
Requires coding knowledge for extensive customization
Theme-based customization
Limited customization without coding knowledge
Support Community-driven support
Paid support available for Enterprise Edition
24/7 support, extensive documentation
Extensive documentation and community resources
Pros Highly flexible and scalable
Has a large community of developers
Easy to set up and use
Good for small to medium-sized businesses
Cons Higher costs for hosting and maintenance
Technical expertise required
Slower performance on lower-tier hosting plans
Limited customization without coding expertise
Transaction fees for non-Shopify payment gateways
Not ideal for large businesses with complex requirements

How to Choose Between Magento and Shopify

If you had to choose between the two platforms, here are the factors to consider. 

1. Assess Your Business Needs

Magento and Shopify cater to different audiences, so understanding your target market, the size of your business, and your growth expectations will help you make an informed decision. 

If you're looking for a platform that can handle a large inventory and high traffic, Magento may be a better choice. On the other hand, if you're starting small and looking for a user-friendly solution, Shopify could be the right fit.

2. Consider Your Technical Expertise

Another significant factor to consider is your technical expertise. Magento, being an open-source platform, requires a higher level of technical knowledge to set up and maintain. You may need a developer or a team to manage the platform effectively. 

On the other hand, Shopify is a fully hosted solution, making it perfect for business owners with limited technical skills. It comes with built-in features and a user-friendly interface, allowing you to manage your store without any technical background.

3. Evaluate Customization and Scalability Requirements

Both Magento and Shopify offer customization options, but they differ in terms of scalability. Magento is highly customizable and offers a wide range of features and extensions, making it suitable for businesses with unique requirements. However, this customization can come at a cost, as it may require professional development services.

Shopify, on the other hand, offers fewer customization options compared to Magento, but it's easier to scale your store as your business grows. Shopify also has a vast ecosystem of apps and integrations to help you extend your store's functionality.

4. Consider Your Budget

Cost is another crucial factor in choosing an e-commerce platform. Adobe Commerce's open-source version is free, but it comes with additional costs like hosting, domain registration, and extensions. Additionally, if you require professional development services, the costs can add up quickly.

Shopify has a more straightforward pricing structure, with monthly subscription plans starting at a relatively affordable rate. It includes hosting and basic features, making it an excellent option for small businesses and startups. However, Shopify's transaction fees and app costs can increase the overall expense.

Alternatives for Adobe Commerce and Shopify

Although Adobe Commerce and Shopify are great ecommerce platforms, there are sellers that will find that these platforms are not the best fit for their online business.

For sellers who find Adobe Commerce and Shopify not to their fancy, here are some alternatives

    • WooCommerce
    • OpenCart
    • VTEX
    • Wix eCommerce
    • Sales Commerce Cloud
    • BigCommerce
    • Zyro

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the biggest  difference between Adobe Commerce and Shopify?

While both are ecommerce platforms, Adobe Commerce is an open-source solution while Shopify is a hosted platform. This means that Adobe Commerce users have the freedom and control over their website. Shopify, on the other hand, does not give you much control. It does offer an all-in-one service for your online business.

Which has better SEO features?

This one is a close race. Both Adobe Commerce and Shopify offer SEO-friendly features. What defines the winner for this feature are the customizable URLs and more advanced in-built features which Adobe Commerce currently has a better footprint on.

Who’s customer support is more reliable?

Sellers would always want their customers to have the best experience when shopping. And it's no surprise why this would be one of the most frequently asked questions when comparing Adobe Commerce and Shopify.

For this category, Shopify has the upper hand. Shopify is an outstanding option for sellers looking for an ecommerce platform that offers great online support channels and immediate help to their customers.


Adobe Commerce and Shopify cater to different types of businesses. The former offers greater customization and scalability, while the latter provides ease of use and a more straightforward pricing structure.

If you have a large business with unique requirements and the resources to manage a more complex platform, Adobe Commerce may be the right choice. However, if you're starting a small business or have limited technical knowledge, Shopify could be a better fit.

Denise Bautista

With a background in journalism, Denise has honed her skills in crafting compelling narratives across various niches, including technology, lifestyle, health, and travel. When she's not crafting compelling content for clients, Denise can be found exploring new destinations or diving into the latest bestseller.

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