History of Shopify

Shopify is a name that resounds powerfully within the realm of e-commerce. It's more than just a platform; it's a revolution in the way businesses sell online. To understand the depth of its influence, one must traverse the journey of its evolution, from its humble beginnings to becoming a beacon of digital commerce.

Here's everything you need to know about the history of Shopify.

Related Reading: How to Earn Money as a Shopify Affiliate


Back in 2006, the world of e-commerce was quite different. Amidst a sea of cumbersome online selling platforms, three snowboarding enthusiasts—Tobi Lütke, Daniel Weinand, and Scott Lake—were struggling to set up a simple online shop for their snowboards. But instead of settling for the existing, less-than-ideal solutions, they embarked on a journey to build their own.

screenshot of Shopify seller portal
Shopify offers a convenient way for entrepreneurs to market and sell their products online.

Lütke, a software engineer, took the lead in crafting an intuitive e-commerce platform from scratch. This wasn’t just another business venture; it was a personal mission. The objective was clear: create an online store that they'd love to use—a store that could perhaps reshape the landscape of online selling. 

Early Growth

Every new venture experiences teething troubles and Shopify was no exception. The initial days were marked by tireless efforts to lure sellers to their platform. Each customer they gained was not just about revenue—it was about validation. 

It was feedback that went straight back into refining the platform.

Yet, what made Shopify’s infancy intriguing was its unyielding commitment to ease of use. 

They went beyond just offering storefronts. They offered dreams. Dreams of beautiful, functional online stores that even those without a tech background could set up. 

Unique tools, such as the drag-and-drop store builder, customizable templates, and 24/7 support, weren’t just features. They were game-changers. 

It's no wonder that word of Shopify spread quickly in the close-knit e-commerce community. And as more businesses jumped aboard, it was evident that Shopify was onto something big.

Evolving Business Model

However, it wasn't enough to just offer a platform for online stores. Shopify aimed to be the backbone of the entire e-commerce ecosystem. This became abundantly clear when, in 2009, they introduced the Shopify App Store. This wasn't just an added feature—it was a statement. 

It signaled that Shopify wasn’t just a tool. It was also a platform that allowed third-party developers to craft applications that could extend and customize Shopify stores in limitless ways.

Introducing Shopify Plus

Recognizing the diverse needs of businesses, they made Shopify Plus to accommodate bigger businesses. This version of Shopify offers sellers a higher level of customization and service that made them feel as agile and nimble as a startup.

screenshot of Shopify Plus homepage
Shopify Plus is tailored for high-volume merchants and enterprise-level solutions.

Together, these evolutions showcased Shopify's ability to predict, adapt, and shape e-commerce trends. Whether you were a fledgling artist selling prints or a multinational brand with a vast inventory, Shopify had something in store for you.

International Expansion

Recognizing the potential beyond North American shores, Shopify adopted a multi-pronged approach to global expansion.

It began to support multiple languages, currencies, and regional tax systems, ensuring a tailored experience for users across the globe. 

This wasn't just a technical feat—it was a massive gesture that said, “Shopify speaks your language.”

history of Shopify sales channels
Sell your products and services worldwide with Shopify.

On top of that, they partnered with international payment gateways. 

This meant that a seller in Tokyo or a craftsman in Marrakech could offer seamless payment experiences to their customers, no matter where they hailed from. 

Beyond technicalities, Shopify respected regional nuances. They ensured the platform could be customized to suit local buying habits, festival seasons, and even regional online shopping trends.

Technological Advancements

The rise of smartphones led to a dramatic shift in consumer behavior, with more and more people shopping on their mobile devices. 

Shopify's answer? 

Ensuring their platform was not just mobile-friendly, but mobile-optimized, with responsive store designs becoming the norm rather than the exception.

screenshot of Shopify store editor
Customize your storefront the way you want it.

2013 heralded the introduction of Shopify POS—a point-of-sale system allowing businesses to sell not just online but in physical stores, pop-up shops, and even market stalls, all while managing inventory and sales through a single, unified platform. 

It blurred the lines between online and offline retail.

Yet, technology wasn't just about responding to trends but pioneering them. By integrating AI and machine learning, Shopify provided sellers with actionable insights, from sales predictions to spotting market trends. Moreover, their commitment to secure online transactions led to the adoption of advanced fraud detection and prevention systems.

Going Public

By 2015, Shopify's story of innovation and adaptability caught the attention of Wall Street.

Their decision to go public was met with significant anticipation, and they did not disappoint. The Initial Public Offering (IPO) was a remarkable success, catapulting Shopify into the limelight and bolstering its financial prowess.

screenshot of Shopify's economic ratings
Shopify went public in May 2015 and priced its IPO at $17 per share.

But what's noteworthy is that the IPO wasn't just a financial landmark—it was a testament to the trust thousands of businesses placed in Shopify. 

Post-IPO, there was no slowdown. Instead, the influx of capital spurred further innovation, expansions, and a renewed commitment to redefine e-commerce continually.

Acquisitions and Expansions

Continuing its growth narrative, Shopify smartly used acquisitions as a strategy to fill gaps, innovate, and further solidify its position in the market. 

Oberlo, for instance, allowed merchants to easily dropship products, thus solving inventory and shipping challenges for many. Meanwhile, the acquisition of 6 River Systems was a clear foray into the world of robotics, aiming to optimize warehouse operations.

screenshot of River Systems homepage
In 2019, Shopify announced its intention to acquire 6 River Systems in a deal valued at approximately $450 million.

Tictail's acquisition added a community-centric shopping platform into Shopify's arsenal, emphasizing emerging designers. But beyond acquisitions, Shopify expanded its native offerings too. 

The Shopify Fulfillment Network, for example, promised to make shipping and handling a breeze for sellers. And with services like Shopify Capital and Shopify Payments, the company ensured that sellers had the financial tools and resources they needed to succeed.

Criticisms and Controversies

Every journey has its highs and lows, and while Shopify has had many successes, it has also faced its fair share of criticisms and controversies.

High Transaction Fees

One of the more vocal criticisms was regarding Shopify's transaction fees, especially when merchants chose not to use Shopify Payments. 

Many small business owners felt these fees were burdensome, eating into their already slim profit margins. 

The argument was that while bigger businesses could absorb these costs, smaller enterprises often felt the pinch.

Platform Abuse by Counterfeiters and Scam Artists

With the ease and accessibility of setting up a Shopify store came an unintended consequence—platform misuse. 

According to a recent survey, nearly 26,000 of the 124,000 Shopify stores are related to fraudulent practices.

There were instances where counterfeiters and scam artists exploited the platform, selling fake or non-existent products. 

Not only did this harm unsuspecting consumers, but it also cast a shadow over legitimate businesses using Shopify.

Ethical Concerns over Certain Storefronts

A related controversy arose when certain storefronts selling questionable or ethically challenged products found a home on Shopify. 

The debate touched on the balance between ensuring freedom for merchants and setting moral and ethical boundaries for business practices.

Shopify's Response

True to its character, Shopify didn’t shy away from these criticisms. They took proactive measures to refine their policies, enhance platform integrity, and increase oversight.

They also ramped up efforts to educate merchants on best practices and provided resources to help consumers make informed decisions. 

While challenges persist, Shopify's commitment to improvement and adaptability remains evident.

How to Succeed on Shopify

For budding entrepreneurs and established businesses alike, Shopify has become the go-to platform for online commerce. However, success on this platform doesn’t just hinge on listing products and waiting for sales. 

Here are some tailored strategies to truly thrive on Shopify:

  1. Optimized Store Design: Your store is your digital storefront. Ensure it's not just aesthetically pleasing but also user-friendly. Use high-quality images, concise product descriptions, and intuitive navigation.
  2. Mobile Optimization: A significant portion of online shoppers use mobile devices. Ensure your store is responsive, offering a seamless experience across devices.
  3. SEO Best Practices: Utilize Shopify's SEO-friendly features. Optimize product titles, descriptions, and meta tags to increase your store’s visibility on search engines.
  4. Engage with Quality Content: Start a blog related to your niche. This positions you as an authority in your field and drives organic traffic.
  5. Utilize Shopify Apps: The Shopify App Store is filled with tools to enhance your store. From email marketing integrations to review widgets, these apps can elevate your sales and customer experience.
  6. Customer Service: Stellar customer service can set you apart. Use tools like live chats, ensure prompt response to queries, and make the returns process smooth.
  7. Expand with Multichannel Selling: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Amazon can be integrated with Shopify. Expand your reach by selling across multiple channels.

Final Thoughts

The history of Shopify and its ascent in the e-commerce domain has been nothing short of meteoric. 

From its conception as a solution to personal frustration to becoming the lifeline for millions of businesses, its journey exemplifies visionary thinking and relentless innovation.

As we look towards the future, with the proliferation of online shopping and evolving digital habits, Shopify's role remains crucial.

Alexa Alix

Meet Alexa, a seasoned freelance writer with a flair for transforming intricate concepts into engaging narratives across an array of industries. With her passions extending to nature and literature, Alex is adept at weaving unique stories that resonate. She's always poised to collaborate and conjure compelling content that truly speaks to audiences.

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