Episode 56: Review of 2016 and Goals for 2017

Happy New Year Everybody! Welcome back to the Ecom Crew podcast. This is Mike and  I’m going to talk about Ecom Crew’s 2016 and where we are planning to go for 2017.

We had an awesome 2016! We learned tons of lessons and had a lot of challenging and helpful experiences. We grew 326%! That is phenomenal for any business! During today’s episode I’m going to share how we plan to keep the momentum going and what we learned to make 2017 a little more smoother.

So, without any more delay, here are some points from today’s episode:

  • Our revenue goals for 2017.
  • Launching our own personal brands.
  • Lessons we learned  from Colorit.com in 2016.
  • The 2017 launch of Wildbaby.com (our new baby product line.)
  • Our email marketing lessons.
  • How Facebook ads helped our brands this past year.
  • How we used social media in general during 2016.
  • The key elements we will continue to grow and work on during 2017.
  • Lessons about inventory.
  • Other plans and goals for an awesome year!

If you want to be part of our live episodes just go to our Facebook page and you will be notified of our live Facebook broadcasts. Thanks for a great 2016 and we hope to  make 2017 even better!

Resources Mentioned Today:





EcomCrew’s Facebook page

EcomCrew Blog

If you have any questions or anything you’d like us to discuss on the podcast please go to ecomcrew.com and fill out the contact form. Also we would really appreciate if you would leave us a review on iTunes. Thanks for listening!


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Elizoebeth Jensen
Elizoebeth Jensen
7 years ago

Hello – excellent episode! Curious as to what your primary Growth System was that allowed for your exponential (albeit painful) growth in 2016. Would you say it was the monthly giveaways that grew your last so rapidly?

Michael Jackness
7 years ago

I think it was a little bit of everything Elizoebeth. We are going to do a follow up episode to this very soon. Stay tuned!

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