The Chinese are Coming: More and More Suppliers are Selling Directly to Consumers

When I first started importing roughly 10 years or so go, the Supply Chain at the time looked much different than it did now. It consisted of manufacturers, importers, distributors/wholesalers, and brick-and-mortar retailers.

Thanks to the internet, we had managed to eliminate two middle men from the equation, the distributor and the brick and mortar store. The result was a more efficient supply chain and cheaper prices for the consumer.

At the time, I knew there was one massive problem with this equation: it included one box too many – us, the private labeler/importer. The more perfect supply chain would look like below, with the factory going direct to the consumer.

For better or worse, I think this new supply chain model is slowly starting to creep up on us. Chinese Suppliers are now, more and more, selling direct on Amazon. Last year Amazon reported sales by Chinese merchants on doubled. On top of this, I have anecdotal evidence of this quickly rising tide. I’ve been importing from China for nearly 10 years. Only in the last year or so have my Suppliers casually start mentioning “so you sell your products on Amazon right Dave?”.  Quietly, I can hear the gears grinding in their head and them thinking “why do we need him?”.

“Amazon has an edge to help Chinese companies expand out of China. We operate 109 fulfillment centers and serve 285 million active users all over the world. We plan to increase our [ability] to facilitate Chinese manufactures creating their own brands for global consumers.” , Global Senior Vice President at Amazon.

Amazon recognizes this as well and is trying to help Chinese Merchants as much as possible to sell overseas. It has been hosting events in Shenzhen and other areas in China exclusively for helping Chinese merchants sell on Sebastian Gunningham, global senior vice president at Amazon, didn't hide Amazon's ambitions in a recent interview, “Amazon has an edge to help Chinese companies expand out of China. We operate 109 fulfillment centers and serve 285 million active users all over the world. We plan to increase our [ability] to facilitate Chinese manufactures creating their own brands for global consumers.”

Private Labeling – the New Drop Shipping?

Several years ago, drop shipping was the big fad. Manufacturers and distributors didn’t know how to sell their products online so they were happy to drop ship products for entrepreneurs that did know how. Then these manufacturers and distributors began to catch on that they could do this themselves (either they caught on or Amazon and Shopify made it a lot more simple to sell online). This might be slightly premature to say, but the business of drop shipping is now more or less dead.

A similar revelation is occurring with Chinese factories. Chinese factories are realizing that they can ship their goods to Amazon FBA much like me or you can. Considering that most of us mark up our products by at least 100% or more, one can't blame Chinese Suppliers for wanting to keep that margin for themselves.  However, Chinese Suppliers will face many unique challenges that include:

  • Overcoming language and cultural differences for handling customer service.
  • Marketing to a Western audience is as difficult for the Chinese as it would be for Western people to market to a Chinese audience.
  • Amazon FBA solves many of logistics hurdles for overseas merchants but at some scale a local presence is needed.

However, even with these challenges, as we all know, many consumers will sacrifice a well written product description and excellent customer service for a slightly lower price.  However, I do think these barriers to entry are far greater than the obstacles traditional distributors and manufacturers overcame to kill the drop shipping business model.

What's Your Competitive Advantage as a Private Labeler?

Many years ago it may have been enough to simply source products from China and put a listing on eBay. Many people still have the illusion that this is the raison d'être of private labelers. It's a component of it obviously, but to be a successful private labeler today means possessing many of the qualities below:

  • Find top in demand products and get them quickly and inexpensively from China to the U.S. (the U.S. isn’t the only Western market, but I’ll generalize things to say only the U.S. as it’s the largest target right now by Chinese Suppliers)
  • Manage logistics such as consolidating freight and breaking it into smaller shipments once it arrives in the U.S.
  • Maintaining quality control to make sure customers receive only the highest quality products
  • Ship orders quickly and efficiently to customers
  • Take photos, videos, and create excellent product descriptions
  • Creating packaging and product documentation
  • Advertise and market the products on different channels including: listing products on Amazon, eBay, and your own website, managing PPC campaigns, and manage display advertising
  • Manage customer service, handling customer inquiries via email and telephone, warranty claims, etc.

There's no doubt that most Chinese Suppliers will have an edge in sourcing products and maybe even logistics. Everything else I think most Western businesses will have an advantage in. Sourcing products, putting them up on Amazon and providing sub-par customer service with poor photographs and product descriptions might have worked in the past and it might even work in the short term. But in the long term, the expectations of private labelers will grow enormously.

My Predictions

So here are my predictions for how the private labeling landscape will change within the next 2-5 years.

  • Small, high demand items that can be cheaply shipped via air to FBA warehouses will be the first product categories to be pervasively invaded by Chinese manufacturers. Large, bulkier, low demand  items that require sea freight (and slightly more complicated freight to FBA) will be slightly later.
  • Amazon will increasingly make it easier to ship direct from China to FBA either through Chinese warehouses or better door-to-door logistics services (think Amazon the Freight Forwarder and Customs Broker).
  • The Chinese will develop better awareness of American customer service and quality expectations. Chinese Suppliers will be forced to actually pay attention to customer reviews and dictate their customer service accordingly.
  • Within 2-3 years, many Suppliers will turn down strictly online sellers, much like Drop Shippers do now. They will want to see that you have sales channels that they cannot easily replicate themselves. Or alternatively, they will only sell at ridiculously high prices and undercut online retailers on price.
  • Profit margins will decrease over time.
  • Sticking your logo on a product and saying you ‘have a brand’ is like putting a hockey stick in your hand and calling yourself Wayne Gretzky. Your brand has to mean something more than a logo (a topic for another day).
  • The Western private labeler will still exist, albeit with higher expectations, more sophistication, and lower profit margins.
Will Amazon make it easier to ship directly from China to Amazon?
Will Amazon make it easier to ship directly from China to Amazon?

What Can Private Labelers Do to Protect Their Businesses?

So what can we do as Western merchants who don't actually own factories in China? I think there's a lot we can do:

  • Develop better products, ideally protected with IP and patents.
  • Develop distribution channels that Chinese factories cannot so easily tap. Selling local and/or B2B are excellent examples.
  • Forge strategic relationships with your Suppliers including potentially profit sharing and joint ownership.
  • Bundle items purchased from different factories.
  • Grow your Email List, Facebook page, and anything else that grows your customer base and weans you off of Amazon's customer base.
  • Expand to non-American markets (American markets, specifically FBA, is the low hanging fruit that will attract the Chinese the quickest).


Some may argue that Chinese Suppliers have already arrived and some may argue that the barriers to entry are far too great for them to ever pose a serious threat.Of course, the truth probably lies somewhere in between. I personally believe that the business model of private labeling will never die, but margins will begin to creep down and for one to create a truly successful business will require a higher degree of sophistication than is currently needed.

What do you think? Can Chinese Suppliers ever cut out local private labelers completely? Or will they always need the knowledge and expertise of a private labeler?

Dave Bryant

Dave Bryant has been importing from China for over 10 years and has started numerous product brands. He sold his multi-million dollar ecommerce business in 2016 and create another 7-figure business within 18 months. He's also a former Amazon warehouse employee of one week.
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3 years ago

The Chinese are already now selling motorcycles online directly . Some of the biggest Chinese brands including zongshen are rebranding themselves and selling directly to the consumer online and are denying and business with people wanting to start their own dealership. It’s

Coach Curtis
Coach Curtis
6 years ago

First of all, great article! Thank you.

Secondly, I have recently launched (official date is 07/04/2018 – INDEPENDENCE DAY…) a sports bag manufacturing business making a line of unique sport-specific athletic bags, and more specifically, a basketball bag and players backpack. I had previously created (patented) the world’s first basketball bag in 1995 and in so doing helped pioneer a revolution in the athletic bag industry- from duffel bags to “sport-specific” bags. We eventually imported a full line of sport-specific models for multiple sports from factories in China/Taiwan/etc.

Now, onto the future…How do I sell my new MADE IN U.S.A.
product direct to consumers in China? Where by the way, there are an estimated 300,000,000 frequent basketball players.

What is the best way to go about that, in your opinion?

Again, thank you.

Yours truly,
Coach Curtis

7 years ago

Great article and I feel you are spot on with this. I just invested with a China partner I’ve been working with over 10 years and we are splitting both the U.S. company selling direct and amazon FBA and the actual manufacturing facility we will be making our unique product to gain the best of both worlds. Do you have any articles on benefits to have the goods run through the U.S. account versus the China account? I was not aware collecting payment as a China company was even an option for FBA.

8 years ago

Hi David,

Great article! We currently see Alibaba directly sell to customers through AliExpress!

I am currently thinking of opening a niche ecommerce site in France with Shopify and importing from China! What do you think about the idea? Do you have any insights or experience regarding the french market in this case?



Brian Stewart (Kiwi)
Brian Stewart (Kiwi)
8 years ago

I have read a lot of your articles and as strong as it feels I sense your thoughts are so close to reality of happening. I am a music teacher and don’t sell or have a business such as yours and of course your readers and contributors but I am totally stunned with Joe being so short minded after reading your blog above. Preparedness is the first step that I would consider and tie up a strong relationship with current clientele to what I concur as happening in the not to distant future.
Its like saying that Alziemers is not going to happen soon but what and when it happens are you going to have prepared for it Nothing is what it is for people like Joe, so sad. Please don’t feel that I am getting down on Joe because I AM NOT. Its just that he makes it more valid to prepare for the outcome when it happens, I really have no idea of what that preparedness would be because I an not a business owner.
I am hoping to set up a FREE help desk to teach Music Theory to those musicians whom are confused by inadequate people teaching music theory. It is he most un-enjoyable subject students want to learn but it is so important to understand like basic math. especially if one wishes to write songs. Knowing Music Theory when writing songs makes it 1000 times easier to do and isn’t that what we all look for in life, the easy way to do things like you have and are showing entrepreneurs. Cheers Brian s

8 years ago

Interesting article. As someone that is new to ecomm and Amazon FBA, this makes me a little worried. Time will tell. I hope you’re wrong though…..

8 years ago

Very good content! I really like such articles.
You’re right, sticking some logo doesn’t make a brand. I think those kind of “private labellers” will be the first to go extinct.

8 years ago

great post David, as usual

8 years ago

Amazon has Air cargo and sea freight. That makes easy for them to move the products, Have you observed that they have a private label called “Amazon Basics” I’m guessing they are using that to volume up the inventory and products.

Yes, Direct manufacture to a customer can increase the competition and also decreases the margin.

Still people are like “bring it on”.


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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