Weekly News Roundup (December 11-17, 2017)

We are back with another roundup of what went down in the ecommerce world from December 11th to 17th.

FCC Net Neutrality Repeal

FCC’s decision to repeal net neutrality is getting ire from citizens all over the country. They’re asking: what will Internet Service Providers do now that they have free rein over the internet?

Small businesses, in particular, are in danger. Without regulations put in place, ISPs can prioritize traffic to those who pay a premium, leaving small businesses in a playing field that is no longer equal.

This decision on net neutrality has been controversial, and it is expected that lawsuits will emerge next year as the rules get formally published.

Lawsuits, Lawsuits

Back in the Amazon world, the French economy minister launched a lawsuit against the ecommerce giant for unfair treatment of its commercial partners in France.

Amazon is allegedly abusing its dominant position and might pay a fine of $11.8 million.

In other news, Amazon and a Washington Attorney General have independently filed civil lawsuits against two brothers who are allegedly operating a get-rich-quick scheme, preying on aspiring sellers on Amazon.

The brothers allegedly offer workshops and training on becoming million-dollar Amazon sellers, using methods that are against Amazon’s Terms of Service.

A lot of people could fall for the so-called scam, especially since it promises big rewards with minimal effort.

EcomCrew Updates

But in reality, success on Amazon is just the opposite. We just interviewed Nat Arem of Hookgrip for our 104th episode and he emphasized how effort and providing value is paramount to an entrepreneur’s success.

Go to ecomcrew.com/104 to listen more.

Effort has been our number 1 priority in EcomCrew this year. And with that effort comes a lot of struggles. Mike sat down for our 105th episode and candidly talked about his struggles this year, and what he did to overcome them.

Listen to the episode at ecomcrew.com/105.

That’s it for our news roundup. Until the next one, happy selling!

Abby Pates

Abby is based in the beautiful tropical island of Cebu, Philippines. In her past life she worked as a freelance tech and business writer, and was a top customer service representative at a big ecommerce company.
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