Weekly News Roundup (November 27 – December 3)

Here's another dose of weekly ecommerce news from November 27th to December 3rd.

Amazon Launches in Australia

Amazon has launched in Australia, just in time for Christmas. While Amazon has been selling Kindle devices on its Australian site for some time now, its recent launch has activated its full service, selling its own products as well as items from some local retailers.

This is good news for the people from Down Under but bad news for many local retailers who fear that Amazon will use its aggressive pricing strategy to drive sales. Amazon has been known to sacrifice profits for the sake of market share and crushing competition.

China cuts import tariffs on food, drugs, and apparel

China is cutting import tariffs on nearly 200 products in a bid to increase domestic spending.

These products range from food and health supplements to recreational products. Tariffs will go down to an average of 7.7 percent from as much as 17.3 percent.

Amazon contractor caught on camera pooping in front of someone's home

Ridiculous news, I know.

An Amazon contractor got caught depositing a very much unwanted package in front of a home in a Sacramento County neighborhood.

The owner of the home shared a video of a woman–who was supposed to be making a delivery for Amazon–stepping outside a U-Haul van, then defecating on the curb right beside his driveway.

Amazon took responsibility for the incident and reportedly banned the woman from delivering any packages for them.

EcomCrew Updates

We just reached 100 episodes on the EcomCrew Podcast!

To celebrate, we gathered 5 of our favorite ecommerce entrepreneurs and asked them one question: “If they could go back to the when they first started, what would they do differently?”

Spoiler alert: there are a lot of rookie mistakes and hard-earned lessons in this episode. Are you making the same mistakes? Head over to ecomcrew.com/100 to listen to find out.

We also had Chad Rubin of Skubana on our 101st episode. Chad answered a very important question especially for those just venturing in ecommerce–how do you find profitable products to sell in a market that is already saturated?

Listen to the episode at ecomcrew.com/101 and learn how Chad finds home runs in a very crowded Amazon market.

And that's a wrap. This has been your EcomCrew update and until the next episode, happy selling!

Abby Pates

Abby is based in the beautiful tropical island of Cebu, Philippines. In her past life she worked as a freelance tech and business writer, and was a top customer service representative at a big ecommerce company.
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