Weekly News Roundup (October 30 – November 5)

Great news! We will now be bringing you a weekly news roundup so you don't miss important Amazon updates and news about everything ecommerce.

Here's last week's not-to-be-missed news:

Amazon has already rolled out their Black Friday deals. Although we are still weeks away from Black Friday, many online retailers have launched sales, including of course, Amazon. BFads.net predicts this year's top sellers to be video game consoles like the Xbox One S.

Amazon also announced that they are cutting prices of products from third-party sellers. The “discount provided by Amazon” lets it sell the products at a discount while still giving the seller the full price. It looks like the retail giant wants to dominate on sales for the holidays, but the third-party merchants aren't so happy with this new discount scheme, saying it can devalue their products.

In other news, UPS is set to increase their rates effective December 24, 2017. Package, freight and air freight services are expected to increase to 4.9%.

This week's EcomCrew podcast is pretty special as Mike and Dave are both on the show to share the 5 key takeaways from the Global Sources Summit in Hongkong. One of the conversation highlights is the overwhelming fact that more and more Chinese sellers are getting in on the Amazon train. Listen to the podcast and learn how to protect your sales from an even tougher competition.

In a new blog post, Dave gives us an inside look at the condition of Chinese factories and how China's incredibly serious pollution controls have affected production in many industries, with as many as 40% of factories being shut down recently. How will this affect your business? Read more to find out.

That has been your ecommerce update for this week. Stay tuned for more updates. Happy selling!

Abby Pates

Abby is based in the beautiful tropical island of Cebu, Philippines. In her past life she worked as a freelance tech and business writer, and was a top customer service representative at a big ecommerce company.
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