E355: How to Future-Proof Your Ecommerce Business with Steve Chou

Happy new year, and welcome to the first episode of the EcomCrew podcast for 2021!

Last year was crazy for everyone, and the pandemic definitely brought about a lot of changes to the way we live, work, and consume. Many businesses experienced losses, but a lot of e-commerce sellers benefited from the fact that people can’t easily go out to buy what they want and need.

For this episode, my good friend Steve Chou of mywifequitherjob.com joins me as we take a look back at 2020 and talk about what we think is going to happen in 2021 in terms of our businesses and e-commerce in general.

We analyze some factors that affect our traffic and give you some tips that worked for us.


  • How we did in terms of sales during the holidays – 4:50
  • Focusing on Amazon traffic vs. traffic to your own site – 6:38
  • What to consider before choosing your niche – 8:52
  • Steve’s promotion technique – 11:20
  • Focusing on Amazon vs. lifecycle marketing – 14:00
  • Our Amazon incident rates – 17:30
  • How the newest Google updates affected our sites – 18:57
  • Does domain rank really matter? – 22:35
  • How to increase your domain rank – 23:00
  • The effects of Google pigeonholing your content – 24:45
  • Is it always a good idea to release only content that is sure to rank on Google? – 26:25
  • Making it easier to create content through environmental design – 28:00
  • The best way to future-proof your e-commerce business – 30:40
  • Social vs. organic traffic – 33:57
  • Updates on the brand we’re going to acquire – 37:53
  • Adopting the right mindset for expectations in 2021 – 41:14

I’d like to thank Steve for being with me on this episode. If you want to know more about him and his business, visit the official site of Bumblebee Linens and take a look at his awesome handkerchieves and other products.

Here’s the link for eCommerceFuel Capital if you want to check out their services: https://www.ecommercefuel.com/capital/

Please don’t forget to leave us a review over on iTunes if you liked this episode and consider subscribing to get notified whenever we release a new one.

Here’s to a better year!

Happy selling!

Michael Jackness

Michael started his first business when he was 18 and is a serial entrepreneur. He got his start in the online world way back in 2004 as an affiliate marketer. From there he grew as an SEO expert and has transitioned into ecommerce, running several sites that bring in a total of 7-figures of revenue each year.
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