E414: Can You Sell Your Business Without Leaving It?

As more ecommerce aggregators are joining the fray, we’re continuing our mini-series on rollup companies to peel back the curtain and really give you an idea how acquisition companies operate, so that you feel confident striking a deal with one of them in the future without leaving money on the table. 

Today’s guest is Allan Fisch, Co-Founder of Moonshot Brands, a company that aggregates Amazon and Shopify businesses and aims to be among the biggest ecommerce companies in the world.

One thing that separates Moonshot Brands from other aggregators is that they offer a deal where entrepreneurs can sell some equity, get additional upfront capital, and join Moonshot as it grows and acquires more ecommerce companies. 

We’ll learn about all that and more in this episode, so stay tuned.


  • Introduction to Allan and Moonshot Brands – 1:16
  • How Moonshot structures deals with ecommerce sellers – 3:32
  • What a deal with Moonshot Brands looks like – 7:50
  • Moonshot Brands’s best selling points as an aggregator – 17:20
  • A glimpse of Moonshot Brands’s portfolio, acquisition history, and endgame – 20:54

I want to thank Allan for coming to the show and sharing his valuable insights on buying and selling ecommerce business. If you want in touch and learn more details about his company, head over to moonshotbrands.com or email them at info@moonshotbrands.com.

By the way, if you’re selling on Amazon out of Canada, we’re doing an exclusive giveaway just for you! By answering a quick 4-minute survey, you’ll get a chance to win a 1-year EcomCrew Premium membership worth $1499 absolutely free. All you have to do is accomplish the survey over on ecomcrew.com/poll2021. Good luck!

As always, don’t forget to leave us a review over on iTunes if you haven’t already. Happy selling!

Michael Jackness

Michael started his first business when he was 18 and is a serial entrepreneur. He got his start in the online world way back in 2004 as an affiliate marketer. From there he grew as an SEO expert and has transitioned into ecommerce, running several sites that bring in a total of 7-figures of revenue each year.
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