E282: The EcomCrew Roadshow – Focusing on Your Why

Back in February, I introduced the EcomCrew Roadshow on this podcast. Since then, I’ve taken the RV and traveled to a handful of states to help entrepreneurs solve some real-world struggles associated with running an online business. 

I gave you a peek into these one-on-one sessions in a March episode. Today, I’m happy to bring our first official episode of the EcomCrew Roadshow. I recorded this one with Cory Stout at his home in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 

Cory is a familiar name, especially to our regular listeners. He’s a Premium member and has been on the podcast a few times to talk about his main brand, Woodies, and another business he just acquired this year. 

You can go back and listen to those episodes through the links below.

Trimming Down SaaS Subscriptions

Finding an Exit Strategy

Buying an Amazon Business: Tips for First Timers

True to the Roadshow’s purpose, I sat down with Cory and dissected his business down to that last item on his COGs. We also discussed some ‘low hanging fruit’; opportunities that can help him grow his wooden sunglasses brand beyond the 7-figure revenue mark.

Jump to all the best bits of conversation here.

  • Money vs time (5:24)
  • “Busy is the new stupid.” (7:33)
  • What Cory wants to get out of the Roadshow (10:38)
  • Low hanging fruit (13:59)
  • Clearing out those business skeletons (14:42)
  • Optimizing listings and the search for gem keywords (14:47)
  • Not forgetting about the ‘why’ (23:41)
  • Balancing COGs (28:38)
  • Accounting for inventory (35:01)

Let us know what you think of this episode. Would you like to listen to more content like this on a monthly basis? Sound off in the comments section.

If you think you’re a good candidate for the EcomCrew Roadshow. Sign up today for the chance to be in your very own episode. 

It’s the last day we’re opening registration for EcomCrew Premium. Don’t miss out on all the great features like full-length ecommerce courses, unlimited 1-on-1 consulting, membership to our private community, and much more. Be part of the Crew!

Watch all of those Helium 10 webinars through this mini-course.

Finally, please take a moment to leave us a review on iTunes if you found this podcast helpful.

Till the next one. Happy selling!

Michael Jackness

Michael started his first business when he was 18 and is a serial entrepreneur. He got his start in the online world way back in 2004 as an affiliate marketer. From there he grew as an SEO expert and has transitioned into ecommerce, running several sites that bring in a total of 7-figures of revenue each year.
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