E311: When to Know if it’s the Right Time to Sell Your Business

Last week I sat down with Andrew Youderian to talk about his new investment venture called ECF Capital. You might also recall me mentioning that I’m on the lookout for my next ecommerce business.

If you own an ecommerce business, the Covid-19 crisis probably made you feel uneasy as many ecommerce entrepreneurs surely do. And hearing about these investment and buyout ventures might have led you to think that it might be a good idea to sell your business these days.

But is now really a good time to sell? Or would it be worth it to wait out the storm, do your best to stay alive, and then sell when things settle back down and you have a shot at a better multiple?

This episode with Joe Cochran could give you some insights. 

Joe had entertained the idea of selling for years and he almost pulled the trigger a year ago. But even though he’d been having panic attacks and multiple sleepless nights, he ultimately decided to postpone the sale.

A year later, Joe finally sold his business for 7 figures, and he’s here today to share that experience.

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Thanks for listening to this episode!

Until the next one,
Happy Selling and stay safe out there.

Michael Jackness

Michael started his first business when he was 18 and is a serial entrepreneur. He got his start in the online world way back in 2004 as an affiliate marketer. From there he grew as an SEO expert and has transitioned into ecommerce, running several sites that bring in a total of 7-figures of revenue each year.
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