E517: How Mike Is Squeezing Out As Much Profitability As Possible Before Selling

Back in July, I announced on the podcast recently where my headspace has been at and the events that lead to the possible reasons why. 

At the start of August, the wheels were set in motion and I ended up selling 2 more ecommerce brands.

Dave and I ended on a cliffhanger on that episode, and this is the official Part 2 where Dave and I talk about what I've been up to and how I've been squeezing out as much profitability as possible before selling – from Avoiding Amazon's HUGE Inventory Costs, to using Freelancers to make up for manpower and more, you won't want to miss this one.   

Here's a few chapter markers that you can easily refer to: 

Audio Timestamps: 

  • Introduction – 0:00 
  • A Quick Recap – 1:13
  • Creating New Reports to Make Things Efficient – 2:43
  • How Dave Automates Forecast Reports – 7:45
  • How Mike Avoids Amazon's New Storage Costs – 10:06
  • How Dave Deals With Inventory – 18:13
  • Shifting to One Employee: What Roles Are Essential? – 25:11
  • Essential Roles Dave Hires For – 29:05
  • The Real Costs of Employees – 32:55
  • A Short Discussion About PPC – 36:14
  • Pricing and Coupons – 37:08 
  • Hidden Gem: Bulk Packs – 41:38
  • The Challenge of Accurate Bookkeeping – 43:31 
  • The Last Tip: 2% Cashback Rewards – 50:22

Video Timestamps: 

  • Introduction – 0:00 
  • A Quick Recap – 0:44
  • Creating New Reports to Make Things Efficient – 2:22
  • How Dave Automates Forecast Reports – 7:48 
  • How Mike Avoids Amazon's New Storage Costs – 10:17
  • How Dave Deals With Inventory – 19:01
  • Shifting to One Employee: What Roles Are Essential? – 26:23
  • Essential Roles Dave Hires For – 30:33
  • The Real Costs of Employees – 34:44
  • A Short Discussion About PPC – 38:24
  • Pricing and Coupons – 39:24
  • Hidden Gem: Bulk Packs – 44:10
  • The Challenge of Accurate Bookkeeping – 46:10 
  • The Last Tip: 2% Cashback Rewards – 53:29

Stay tuned as we continue to update on our future plans, and for our special PPC episode we're planning for!

I hope you took away some valuable profit-saving insights from this episode. Don’t forget to leave us a review on iTunes if you enjoy our content. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to support@ecomcrew.com.

Happy selling and I’ll see you on the next one!

Michael Jackness

Michael started his first business when he was 18 and is a serial entrepreneur. He got his start in the online world way back in 2004 as an affiliate marketer. From there he grew as an SEO expert and has transitioned into ecommerce, running several sites that bring in a total of 7-figures of revenue each year.
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