Episode 84: Rebuilding Another $1Million Brand

Recently Dave posted a blog post on the Ecom Crew website. The post is called Part 1: Rebuilding a $1 Million Ecommerce and Importing Business from Scratch. Getting your own brand up and running has its ups and downs and Dave and I explain the process of getting your products to the customer from start to finish.

Here are the points from our conversation:

  • Our Ecom Crew course.
  • The new up-dated Ecom Crew website.
  • Dave’s new brand launch.
  • Why it takes a year to see any results with a new product or business.
  • All the time and effort it takes before money is exchanged.
  • Dave’s plans for the next 30 days.
  • How Dave picked his brand’s niche.
  • How he found the perfect products.
  • Dave’s 100 product rule.
  • The current sales numbers for the brand.
  • Amazon’s Early Reviewer Program.
  • Amazon’s trademark rule.

If you found today’s episode interesting, then you are going to enjoy our course! Go to www.ecomcrew.com/course to get updates about our progress in that launch.

Dave and I are going to be attending Global Sources, October 17-19. I will be speaking at the event. If you are interested in attending we have a special discount code (3ec50) for our listeners that will take $50 off the ticket price!

Also, make sure you follow us on Facebook. We do live episodes on our page, so go like the Ecom Crew Facebook page and you will be notified when an episode is about to start.

We have some sponsors to thank as well. The first is Stamped.io, which is a great tool if you need to get some quality reviews for your Shopify store. The second is AsiaInspection, both Dave and I use AsiaInspection when we have to inspect a shipment from China. Both of these sponsors are great partners and we’re happy to have a relationship with them.

Resources Mentioned Today:



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Ecom Crew Facebook Page

Global Sources


If you have any questions or anything you’d like us to discuss on the podcast you can now email us directly at ecomcrew.com!  Just send those emails to support@ecomcrew.com. Also, we would really appreciate if you would leave us a review on iTunes. Thanks for listening!

Full Audio Transcript

Mike: This is Mike.

Dave: This is Dave.

Mike: And welcome to the EcomCrew Podcast number 84. This is one of those episodes we’re lucky to get Dave back behind the microphone and record a podcast with us. How’s the going this week Dave?

Dave: That's two weeks in a row, isn’t it?

Mike: Two weeks in a row and we just had Dave in the office down here, and we call it ColorIt headquarters even if we do more than that here just kind of inside joke. But we had Dave at ColorIt headquarters for the majority of the week this last week which was cool. Dave and I have been feverishly working on the new course that we’re going to be launching for EcomCrew which you can find at www.EcomCrew.com/course to sign up early.

And kind of a good segue because we're going to be actually talking about a lot of the content that will be in the course in a roundabout way today, because today's topic is about a blog post that Dave just wrote. If you go EcomCrew.com, he actually has some written content for a change not just the podcast. A great blog post about Dave’s journey rebuilding another one million dollar brand for those of you…

Dave: Not there yet.

Mike: Not yet but hopefully in about two weeks you'll get there.

Dave: Yeah, realistically I kind of set a target of one year to get to a million dollars in revenue again with March 2017 basically being the starting point. And March 17th I kind of took, it’s kind of an arbitrary number, but that was based for the first day that I got a sample of the product from China for the new brand.

Mike: Yeah and I would argue I think it's actually fair for one year to be from the day that you list your first product but…

Dave: I get an extra four months you say?

Mike: Yeah. I think so, I mean a lot of this stuff in importing, there's a lot of planning, a lot of lead time, and it certainly makes it more difficult if you don't have those four months. So we will see how it goes.

Dave: It’s kind of interesting that you bring that up because yeah I debated with myself what number or what date do I pick. Should it be the day that basically I picked the niche, should it be the day I first talked with suppliers, should it be the day that I first got a sample, should it be the day that I first list the product?

And the thing is it took so much time coming up with the niche, coming up with the products, kind of go through with that negotiation with suppliers, and that the whole process was four months. And I felt like it would be cheapening it a little bit, making it sound a little bit easier than it was if I started simply from the day the product first got listed. It’s just for the fact that all the background went into that, that was the real grunt work.

Mike: Yeah I mean I would argue at a minimum that it should start when you wrote your first check, when the first money went out the door. It’ll still but you some time, but that obviously shortens it a little bit because that takes a couple months to get the products in.

Dave: Yeah, and that's pretty much the dateline that I went with was that was the same picture within the first date that a payment went out was basically three days before the first sample arrived.

Mike: Got you, okay cool.

Dave: So anyways we’ll go with March 2017, so check back in March 2018. I'll see how things are going.

Mike: See if you’ve got 10 million dollars.

Dave: Yeah and we're going to actually follow up to see real results after. First products got listed in July, so we're going to follow up later in this episode with the real world results, so you don't have to hang on till March 2018. We will actually give you some real meat.

Mike: Yeah I think we’ll be doing this month by month and just kind of talking about where you are on that journey. And I’m also going to be doing the same with one of my new brands. I have still a zero, we're doing a lot more planning and content, start setting things up mostly because we still have some more things left we want to continue to work on, on our other couple of brands. So we haven’t ordered new products yet, but we’re pretty close to getting there, and I'm going to be excited to be talking about that.

So hopefully we’ll make this kind of a recurring segment, but we’re a few minutes now. So let’s get some meat and potatoes, and talk about really what your plan is here. I mean you sold your business, that's what, six months ago now or somewhere along that timeframe. And obviously you said you took some time to find a niche, and get samples and get the product listed, and the goal was to get to a million dollars. So let's talk about — discuss some of the early things you’ve done here, and the first — this is your first full month selling right now right, so you actually have some sales.

Dave: Yeah, so first products really came in late June and by the time everything is into FBA and you start actually having fulfillment in place, it took about two weeks. So middle of July is kind of I would say the launch point. But prior to this, the real like I kind of alluded to before, the real grunt work was kind of picking that niche, and that's what I found took forever.

So I sold my company basically the end of October, and it took two to three months to figure out a niche, but I went back between some of the craziest ideas, some of we’ve talked about like Chinese herbal medicine, Montessori products which is basically a way of teaching kids. I debated doing Montessori products, but ultimately came up with offroading products, so the aftermarket automotive parts for a vehicle.

But getting to that point took about three months, and it was – once I actually decided on that niche, it was a pretty big commitment because basically I'm committing to that for at least the next year or two, and diving full forward with that two feet in to develop products, develop hopefully a catalog of about 100 products. So that was – you can share your experiences here Mike, but that's what I found was actually the hardest part was coming up with that first niche, and then the products are actually going to be easy once you came up with the niche.

Mike: Yeah, I mean picking a niche really is definitely really difficult. There is a lot of criteria that I've kind of developed at this point that I wanted to fit within, and as you add more criteria it shrinks your selection down more and more. I mean I would think of something like going on autotrader and looking for a car versus like a trucker whatever and that narrows it down.

Then you’re like okay I want a Ford or a car, then I want a Ford or a car that’s between this year and that year, and I want it to be blue. And it’s like narrowing it down, there seems like there’s one car in the whole country that fits your criteria, and it gets really difficult. And I think that we're kind of in that point, and that's kind of how we came up with Tactical and the baby stuff is because it did fit almost all…

Dave: How long do you think it took you to figure out with, come up with the niche idea for Wild Baby?

Mike: I mean you can almost argue it took a couple of years just because there was a lot of hard knocks of all the things that we did that went into it, but once I kind of set my mind to it, it was a few months. I mean I would say easily three months, maybe four months. And I wasn't — I didn't have like a gun at the back of my head right? We already had — I think that you're probably in a little more of a rush situation, because you were selling nothing. We had already been selling stuff and we were kind of just doing some forward planning, and figure out the baby industry was something that we wanted to kind of tackle.

Dave: Yeah, and it’s just kind of funny actually, I think I took a page out of your book where I started with the domain a little bit first, and then went for the niche. So just some background. I had an opportunity to buy offroading.com, and basically went back and forth with the seller for two months, and couldn’t come to a price point, and I had pretty much given up the offroading niche. And then eventually the seller came back and said, okay we’ll go with your price Dave. And that's basically what kind of forced my hand to get into what I got into which is offroading.

So it's kind of an interesting story. I think sometimes you have to push your hand a little bit, and I think buying the domain was basically what got me off my butt and to actually do things.

Mike: Yeah, so let's talk a little bit about why offroading. Obviously you got the domain name as you said, but what are kind of the criteria that you were looking for and why you wanted to go down this path for these types of products versus something else.

Dave: I think the biggest thing is the wide selection of products that you can do with offroading, and I've learned that the hard way with previous niches, which if you go too narrow you get to the point where you're importing three or four different products and then expanding beyond that becomes basically impossible. And you’re basically starting fresh the next time you do want to start importing new products. So that was the biggest thing that I look for. I kind of have this goal in mind that I want to import 100 products.

I think that's a good starting point to do about a million to two million dollars in revenue is about 100 products. You could maybe get away with a little bit less, but I think 100 products is a good goal to have. So that was my biggest criteria is being able to import at least 100 products in that one niche. Obviously with offroading I think that you know you could probably do 10,000 products in that niche.

Mike: So I mean by the time you’re doing 100 products in one year you're talking about launching two products a week on average pace. That seems like a heck of a project to me. I mean I don't even have 100 SKUs yet total and I’ve been doing this longer. So let's talk about like how you're accomplishing that, that seems like a heck of a feat.

Dave: Well 100 products is a little bit, it sounds bigger than it is because that includes variations, and that’s something probably a lot of people can relate to. If you sell a pair of pants, you might only have one pair of Levi's blue jeans, but they come in 10 or 15 different sizes. So technically that one pair of blue jeans would be 10 to 15 different sizes with my books.

So it’s 100 different SKUs. Most of those products are probably going to have three to five variations. So in total it's more like 20 to 25 unique products, which I think is a reasonable estimate, 20, 25 different products is one every other week. But that's the beauty of picking a narrow niche, you know, fairly wide but at the same time narrow, is the fact that I can work with one or two suppliers and basically get the whole catalog.

And you know something that's — a product that I found from a supplier that's working, chances are they have lots of products that are working, because they’re kind of proving that okay they're making reasonable quality products, they’ve probably given reasonable pricing. So that's the beauty of actually having that one niche is that you can work with the supplier, and really eliminate lead time to get a whole bunch of different products in place.

Mike: Yeah, it makes sense. So I mean if you’re doing 25, you’re looking at doing $50,000 a year per SKU on average, and obviously it doesn't ever work out that way. I think that you end up with the 80/20 rule, so probably 20% of your products makeup 80% of your sales kind of thing.

Dave: But that’s kind of the problem too. I think all importers can kind of relate to this. You can do all the research you want on Amazon or Jungle Scout, on all the different tools out there, and you know you can think that you found a home run product, but it really doesn’t matter at the end of the day. The things that you think are going to work, no they don't work, and the things that you think — I got that backwards. The things that you think are going to work don't work, and the things that you don't think will work end up being the home runs.

Mike: Just like you thought you'd be able to say those words out loud, and that didn't quite work out very well.

Dave: Exactly, that's the case more often that not. Yeah, I mean that’s the thing with developing products is that sometimes you just need to try it before researching it to death. It’s difficult to put an equation on what products are going to work and which aren’t.

Mike: Yeah and that’s one of the things we will talk about as we’re recording the course. We have obviously a little bit different opinions with this, but one of the things that you’ve done is the kind of thing, set yourself up for a high probability of success is going after a little bit less competitive niches. So instead of going after high volume, low price point stuff, it’s a little bit on the other side of the spectrum, it would be lower volume, higher price point stuff that just less people are interested in. And what percentage of that is going to be oversize than versus standard size?

Dave: I mean that’s something I’ve tried really hard to be aware of for this new brand is just trying to keep things which can be oversize and cramming them to a standard size box, but at the end of the day it’s probably 70/30: 70% standard size and 30% oversize. And to give people some background, if you’re not selling on FBA right now, oversize basically means the longest dimension exceeds 18 inches. Then anything standard size is with the longest side of the box is less than 18 inches.

Mike: Yeah, I think it’s 18 x 14 x 8, is that the right…

Dave: Yeah, you see you know that number well.

Mike: Yeah it’s too many – I always bring a tape measure with me at the Canton Fair just to make sure we keep under those dimensions, so it’s really…

Dave: It’s incredibly frustrating dealing with suppliers too. You’ll tell them over and over and over, the box cannot have one side longer than 18 inches and inevitably they’ll email you, hey Dave everything is ready. By the way the dimension is 18.25 inches.

Mike: No big deal. It’s only going to cost you like tens of thousands of dollars, no big deal.

Dave: It’s sometimes a struggle getting ecommerce through the heads of Chinese suppliers; it’s still a brand new thing for most of them.

Mike: Mm-hmm, so do you want to kind of take the gift wrap off and kind of talk about what you were able to actually do in your first full month here in sales?

Dave: Yeah, so let me pull up the numbers. It’s nothing staggering, the first month that I basically, I’m looking at our sales stats right now, it’s August 28th right now. Let’s take a look here; I actually pulled up on seller central. Amazon.com was $9,000 basically to the dot. Amazon.ca, and that was one of my goals in launching a new brand is to expand beyond the US just because the US is really competitive than some of the other marketplaces, .ca, Europe, Australia, in the future those are way less competitive.

But Amazon.ca was about $800 and that’s more or less in the last 15 days, so you can prorate that to about $1500 in the last 30 days, and Shopify was about 500 bucks. So that works out to more or less around $12,000 in the last 30 days.

Mike: I personally think it is really good, I mean we were kind of talking about before man, I know you kind of get jaded to these $100,000, $200,000, $300,000, $500,000 months in your Amazon account and you forget where you came from. I mean I kind of look back to my first month selling on Amazon, and I’m sure that I did $10,000 the first month and I certainly can’t remember when I did get over that $10,000 mark. And then $100,000 mark in a month or whatever is super exciting and it takes time. And even doing $10,000 in a month I think it’s just kind of it proves that there is still so much room out there in Amazon, and you can still launch brand new brands, brand new products.

Dave: Yeah and I should, actually I forgot one thing there; eBay was actually about $2,000. So some substance to the idea that eBay is still a reasonable market place especially for some products. So that works out to almost 20% of the sales just from eBay. Again back to what you were talking about, yeah I mean I think that’s the most important thing is you’re getting some traction and getting some sales, just kind of building that motor base and then you rotate.

I know it would have been easy to just research things to death and be at this time next year and actually have no sales yet. So that was a big key for me, I know me personally I need to get those kind of micro successes that get me more and more motivated. And I know doing $10,000 of sales in the first 30 days, I’m hoping this time next year it’s going to be a joke to those same products close to the $30,000 once we start to get some traction, once things kind of settle in.

Mike: All right, yeah it makes a lot of sense. So what are your plans for the next 30 days. I guess you kind of go through now your first four months of selling, what are you hoping to accomplish over the next 30 days?

Dave: Yeah well we’re on a unique niche where right now everybody is gearing up for Christmas. I have no experience in the offroading niche, but I have experiences in these types of niches where I would imagine that the fall and the winter time are kind of a down month for this niche. So I’m expecting that we’ll probably actually dip a little bit in the next few months, probably regain around February when that season starts to take off for offroaders.

But for the next 30 days basically trying to – we have a few products in the pipeline and trying to get another 20 or so products in the pipeline and develop and we have them ready before February, before Chinese New Year. That way they’re ready for the spring next year.

Mike: Mm-hmm makes a lot of sense. And can you talk a little bit about some other products that you’ve launched and obviously we don’t like to talk about individual SKUs at this level this early on, but I’m just kind of curious of the general direction — offroading is such a huge niche. I mean what has guided you towards the things that you’ve done specifically?

Dave: So I wanted to take something that I could make a little bit different in some type of way. So one of the big products that we worked with and this just kind of goes back to my success with my other company is we’re actually working a lot of really high tensile strength ropes. And they are unique in the fact that a lot of Chinese guys are creating ropes, but not a lot of guys are creating really high strength ropes.

So me and my partner I have over China, we basically searched for over a month to find a factory that could produce a really high strength rope. And we actually ended up working with the factory making all the ropes for the Chinese space program, believe it or not. You could say what you want about Chinese faulty products, but I kind of figured if they’re sending men to space with these ropes, they’re probably reasonable quality for offroading.

Mike: Yeah I mean I think that you’re obviously on a good path. I mean it’s exciting, I mean I’m certainly kind of in that same point. We’re going to be pushing hard into 2018 on our new brands. I mean we’ve kind of hit a little bit of a plateau on sales. And I agree that you got — the way to grow this business is to continue to add more SKUs, and you got to also, like you said, you got to differentiate, you can’t just be on Alibaba and pick any little SKU off the shelf any more. So there is definitely a lot to it.

Dave: Yeah I mean on that note actually I took a little bit of a flier on a couple of products, completely undifferentiated, I thought they are cool. Absolutely no sales on them just for the fact they are not different at all. There’s a couple other sellers on Amazon even though their prices are higher than what we were selling them average on, still absolutely zero sales. So I think it goes back to kind of the fact that you have to make things a little bit different, and we’re not recreating products in any huge drastic way, we’re just changing them just a little bit and on Amazon I think that’s enough, but you got to differentiate them just a little bit.

Mike: Yeah and have you done, I mean everyone is always asking these days is it used to be so easy to launch a brand new product. You just get on a review club and pick however many sales per day that you need to get to the first page, or the first three results or whatever you were targeting. And the next thing you knew within a couple of weeks, and a couple of thousand dollars later in coupons and giveaways you had 100 reviews, and appears we’re ranking, that was great and the rest was history. So I mean what are you doing in the face of that climate? Have you done any extra promotions or content or advertising, I mean just kind of what your angle there to get this boot strap.

Dave: Yeah I mean it’s kind of funny when I sold my company last year, I was completely oblivious to the world that exists on Amazon, where people are buying reviews. So I had absolutely no idea that you could even do that. So it’s never a part of my strategy even in the past. Going forward I think getting that first review or two is really important.

So it may sound bad but I think if you can even get a friend or two to find the product and of course leave an honest review. That’s incredibly important, just I think getting that first review or two is really important. Then it’s kind of like a group thing, in fact once people see one review, other more are inclined to review. And that’s always the challenge with Amazon that you may get 100 people to buy but never leave a review.

Mike: Yeah we had a new product that we launched a couple of months ago and sold 400 units and didn’t get a single review. So it’s definitely a lot more frustrating and more difficult than it used to be.

Dave: Well I mean and on that note you had some interesting experience with the Amazon first reviewer program?

Mike: Yeah so there’s a thing called the early reviewer program. Yeah, so if you go under in your seller central account, I believe that you have to be brand registered in order to take advantage of this. But you go under your seller central account and click on advertising and then early reviewer program. It was something along the lines of – and don’t quote me on this, but it’s very close to $65 a month. I think that was the actual – not a month, one time fee, sorry.

The opposite of a month, a onetime fee is $65, and then you’re able to get up to five reviews through that program, and they charge you when you get your first one. So the way that works is you apply, you like basically just upload a file that has nothing but ASINs in it. I don’t know why they’re making us do this extra step, but you upload an excel file with all the ASINs in it that you want to join the program. You have to have less than five reviews on the products when you join the program, and once your product hits five reviews — if you submit to the program before your product has five reviews — once it does get five reviews you are automatically booted out of the program.

So if you have a brand new product with zero reviews, you submit to the early reviewer program, Amazon will work on your behalf to get up to five reviews for you. So if you end up getting lucky or I guess in some ways unlucky with this in this case, and a couple of other people leave a review that wasn’t through the early reviewer program, that still does count towards your five total which is kind of weird. They’re just basically trying to get you to a grand total of five reviews.

And the way that they solicit the reviews is they actually are the ones that email the customer to request the reviews. But it’s done – there’s no advertising about this beforehand. So someone buys the product through basically probably through PPC or just some other organic way. And when they do purchase the products they have some criteria that they don’t tell you what that is, basically that the person’s account is in good standing and that they’re not leaving a bunch of other reviews or spamming the review platform in their opinion.

And then they will email them and ask them to leave a review and offer them a couple of dollar Amazon gift card in exchange. So it does incentivize the person to leave a review, but it is an honest to goodness honest review.

Dave: Yeah you’re paying – so is the $65 flat or $65 per review?

Mike: It’s flat, so like you get – they charge you the $65 the second your first review through the early reviewer program comes in, and then you’re done paying.

Dave: Yeah and I think the big catch there is that you need to be brand registered, and that’s what kind of sucks for me starting up a brand new company. We are not brand registered and that previously wasn’t a big issue because whatever you just register your brand and you’re done. But now with Amazon requiring to have a trademark, if you’re starting up a brand, a) you have to pay that big trademark fee, around four to $500 if you do it on your own, and b) you have to wait the months on end to get your trademark approved. And crappy thing for us was that I’d actually applied for a trademark and it got rejected, just one of the usual US PTO stipulations. So I’m kind of back to the starting stage right now getting a new trademark registered, waiting months on end not to mention paying 500 bucks basically just to get the benefits of Amazon brand registry.

Mike: Mm-hmm yeah I mean it just a cost of doing business. For me it’s something that we are, with our new brands we did very early on trying to start the clock on that submission process so we can get in there as soon as possible.

Dave: Yeah not like the old days.

Mike: No definitely not like the old days. So it’s a little bit of a shame from that perspective.

Dave: Yeah, it’s a shame also that we’re getting old.

Mike: Yeah father time always wins. Yeah so any other like last minute thoughts, or anything on this first full month that you’ve had so far?

Dave: No, I don’t think there is a whole lot to add. I think people can go check out EcomCrew.com, check out the blog post, there is some more nitty-gritty numbers in there which I know me, I’m sometimes more of a visual person than an audio person. So seeing the numbers for me helps and help like there’s more context to things. And I will also be following up next week with another blog post kind of summarizing some of the results. So hopefully people find that useful and valuable.

Mike: Yeah and I read through the blog post. I think it’s really good with a lot of – not a lot, but there was a few charts and just some financials about just some previous experience you’ve had and why you’re going through this journey. I think…

Dave: No I love my charts.

Mike: Yeah man the charts are good and so it definitely helps. And then the other reason obviously to visit EcomCrew is just to check out our new site. We updated a little bit, there is a kind of a new look and feel. It’s not that updated, but we are all actually in the background working on like a brand new design. We have some stuff to talk about there, but there is just a ton more content.

So if you are more of a content person and want to read through some of the articles that Dave has written about importing, I mean there are some really, really good articles on there, definitely not saying that just because it’s Dave and he’s on the podcast, but seriously some really, really good stuff.

Actually some of the comments we’ve gotten this last couple of days since we merged have been like just really, really kind because there’s people that are just seeing the content for the first time. So I definitely encourage you guys to go do that. And read through Dave’s blog post. Again the title of it is “Part 1: Rebuilding a $1Million Ecommerce and Importing Business from Scratch.”

Definitely check that out and if it’s content that you’re really interested in, and you’re are doing this stuff yourself, if you’re importing, definitely go to EcomCrew.com/course and sign up for the email list because anybody who signs up before we launch the course, we’re going to give a huge discount to. We’re excited we’re very close to launching that, and it’ll be a course on importing and then we have a couple more tricks up our sleeve later in the year.

So I think that’s about it. Let me just kind of close with some few pieces of information. First of all the EcomCrew Podcast is sponsored by Asia Inspection which Dave and I both use. You’ve probably already done some Asia Inspection inspections Dave I assume for this new company?

Dave: I have actually and I’ve been using them for years.

Mike: Yeah they are awesome.

Dave: I can’t recommend them enough.

Mike: Yeah we just got one done, we have a new set of gel pens coming in which we’re really excited about, it’s a brand new item. We are importing a full container of it. We had Asia Inspection do that for us. So definitely check them out, you can go to EcomCrew.com/inspection and that will forward you up to Asia Inspection.

And then also the podcast is also sponsored by Stamped.io. If you ever need reviews for your Shopify store, I definitely recommend checking them out. It was actually just on our Facebook group today where someone that was talking about just signing up with them and they were really happy. And I can also say that I’m just ecstatic with their platform over what we were paying for Yelp which was kind of ridiculous.

And the last thing I’ll mention is that Dave and I are both going to be at Global Sources. We both have been confirmed at this point that we’re going October 17th through 19th. I’ll be speaking there twice. Dave will be there heckling me in the audience.

Dave: Moral support.

Mike: Moral support which is…

Dave: A little bit of heckling.

Mike: Yeah a little and it’s usually a lot of heckling, but yeah so October 17th through 19th. And if you haven’t signed up for Global sources yet, and you’re interested in going we do have a $50 coupon which is the number 3, E as in Edward, C as in Charlie, 50. And it’ll get you $50 off the entry fee to Global Sources Summit which is the three days seminar that is before the Global Sources Fair in Hong Kong at the Asia World Expo which is in Hong Kong right next to the airport, one of my favorite places in the world to go to.

One of the few things I look forward to doing for business travel these days I always love going out to Hong Kong. It’s just an awesome global city, and then inevitably I get to cross the border into China and that fun stops.

Dave: And we guarantee in October there will be no typhoons in Hong Kong.

Mike: Oh there is a guarantee now, we really doubt but I hope so.

Dave: It’s the EcomCrew guarantee.

Mike: Okay, well there you go; you’ve heard it from Dave first, he has a million dollar insurance course he’s putting out there for that. Cool, all right guys, we’re going to sign off for this week for the recorded version of the podcast. As a reminder if you ever want to hear us live and ask questions you can go to Facebook.com/Ecomcrew, and we’ll see you over there. Take care everybody and we’ll talk to you next week.

Outro: Thanks for listening to the EcomCrew Podcast. Follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/EcomCrew for weekly live recordings of the EcomCrew Podcast every Monday. And please do us a favor and leave an honest review on iTunes; it will really help us out. Again thanks for listening, and until next week happy selling.

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