E194: Growing a Highly Niched Ecommerce Business (Under the Hood with Elias Manopla)

I always enjoy meeting people who listen to our podcasts. Our audience base is largely located in the United States, however; we do have listeners in the Asia Pacific and in Europe. More recently, I’ve discovered that we’re reaching entrepreneurs in Central America. Proof of this is Elias Manopla, our featured ecommerce entrepreneur on this episode of Under the Hood. Elias owns an online butcher shop that sells a variety of barbeque meat, poultry, and fish items in and around Panama. Grill accompaniments like corn and arepas, the local corn cake, are also available for purchase.

Taking quality meats ‘online’

Elias, a big barbeque fan, got the idea to sell these products after ordering meat from a supplier that was recommended to him by a friend. Impressed by the quality, he has since partnered with this supplier to make these meat products available online. He used Shopify to set up an online butcher shop and is now looking at ways that he can grow the business by extending his brand’s reach.

My two cents

Elias’s ecommerce business belongs in a highly niched industry. Given where he’s located, it can also be assumed that a chunk of his target market has yet to try shopping online. Some might not even have access to the internet.

Facebook ads are great for reaching more people with minimal effort. However, they have to be strategically targeted in order to work. Start with existing customers. Do they have something in common? Knowing your target demographic allows you to be more successful at targeting those ads.

Speaking of ads, videos are a great medium for promoting a wide variety of food products. Creating videos should be part of the marketing plan.

Finally, increase repeat orders by crafting a flawless post-purchase sequence. The goal is to turn first-time buyers into loyal customers.

Listen to the full episode for more tips on how to grow a unique food-based ecommerce business like the one Elias has.

Under the Hood is a segment where we do an hour-long coaching call with one of our listeners. We take a look at their businesses, provide honest feedback, offer our best business advice, and answer whatever questions they have. In exchange for the free coaching, we will turn the call into a podcast episode so that our community can benefit as well. It’s a win-win!

Registration to EcomCrew Premium is closed indefinitely. But, you can still learn from us through our suite of free courses. There’s a total of 20 videos covering ecommerce topics like Importing from China and Building a 7-Figure Business. Find more information on the link below.

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Full Audio Transcript

Intro: This is Mike and welcome to episode number 194 of the EcomCrew Podcast. So glad to have you guys with us today. Before jumping in today's show, I just want to remind you, you can go to EcomCrew.com/free. Go check out all of our free content. We have three full length mini courses over there at EcomCrew.com/free. No credit card required or any other obligation, just a bunch of cool free content from the EcomCrew guys, Dave Bryant and Mike Jackness.

All right, so today we're going to be doing another Under the Hood episode. You guys know I've been loving doing these. We have a guy named Elias on with us today. He's from Panama, which I think is cool. I used to live in Costa Rica right next door for a few years and got to visit Panama a couple of times when I lived down there. It's a really neat place. The first thing I remember when I went down there the first time is it reminded me of Miami because there's all these tall buildings and skyscrapers. It was a big difference from the Costa Rican landscape.

There really aren't any tall buildings there, certainly not the type of stuff you see in Panama City, plus obviously the Panama Canal pretty darn cool. So, it’s neat to be talking to someone from Latin America. First time having an Under the Hood guest from Latin America on the show, definitely thought that that was really neat. If you want to be on your very own Under the Hood segment, you can go to EcomCrew.com/UndertheHood. And what we do is we interview podcast listeners for about an hour. And then we turn that into a podcast episode.

So everyone gets the benefit, right? You get the benefit as I'm giving you direct advice on what you can do to help your business, and you also can go use that however you please. And then of course, the EcomCrew listeners get to listen to you about your awesome business and some ideas that might help them in their own business. So I think it's a win-win for everyone, definitely, really been enjoying that. So on the other side of this break; we're going to jump right into it with Elias.

Mike: Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of the EcomCrew Podcast. Today we're going to be doing another one of our Under the Hood segments. And for those of you who aren't familiar with that, what we do is have a podcast listener contact us at EcomCrew.com/UndertheHood and we set up an interview to do a one hour coaching call and we record that and turn that into an Under the Hood segment. It’s become one of my favorite things to do. I love learning about new businesses.

And I cheated a little bit today, I read the notes that Abby took for the pre interview for this call. And it sounds really interesting and something that's a lot different than other people are doing. So I'm excited to get into this with our Under the Hood guest today. And with that said, I'd like to welcome Elias to the EcomCrew Podcast. How are you doing my friend?

Elias: I'm Mike, thank you very much for having me, a big fan of your show.

Mike: Well, thank you, man. I appreciate that. It's been a lot of work, but it's been highly rewarding as well. And that's definitely great to have you on the show today. So as I mentioned, this is going to be an Under the Hood topic. And if you've been listening to any of the previous Under the Hood episodes, my favorite question I always ask to lead out with is how did you get started in ecommerce? So, without any pre-review maybe tell us a little bit about how you got into this.

Elias: I always have a technical background and I was working like 12 years in telecommunications. So at one point of my career I got really tired of it and moved to retail. But I mean like brick and mortar retail. And being there for about two years, the company decided to go to ecommerce and they thought this guy knows technology and also knows about our stores. So let's put him on the ecommerce new brand new department. And basically I started that way.

Mike: Very cool. It's interesting sometimes how things come together, right?

Elias: Yeah, exactly because I actually was a little bit tired of technology at that point specifically in that industry, networking and everything. And I was passionate about retail and brick and mortar stores, product, etc. And yeah, it comes together.

Mike: Cool. So was that for a different thing than you're doing now or is that how you got involved with the brand and the products you're doing right now?

Elias: No, actually since last year, about a year ago I got a big retailer here in Panama. I work actually as a CIO for some kind of Home Depot here in the country. We have 25 stores, big stores like home improvement stores, and my main project at the beginning was the re-launch of the ecommerce store. So, I started working with a development partner in a Shopify bluster and in the meantime while they were working on the store and the project, I start learning about Shopify, reading a lot, hearing a lot of podcasts and everything. And basically that got me trapping [ph] into Shopify specifically, and ecommerce again.

Mike: Got you okay. But that sounds like it was still something different than what you're doing right now because now, again, I read your notes you're doing a little bit something different. So how did you get into what you're doing now specifically?

Elias: Yeah okay basically I'm a barbeque fun. I love to have barbeque and a friend of mine recommended me the product that another friend was selling. He was actually selling through WhatsApp contacts and everything. And I make him an order through WhatsApp and he bring me the product. It was meat specific called [inaudible 00:06:36] in Brazil. And I tried and it was great, really, really great. So, I had this idea of bringing his business to ecommerce specifically, and I talked to him and we started.

Mike: Got you, very cool. And again, I've cheated a little bit so I read the notes, but do you want to tell people a bit about what that business is?

Elias: Yeah, we have an online butcher shop. Basically we are the one stop shop for all you need for your barbeque meat like beef, chicken, fish, also the sides like corn cobs. And we have something here in Latin America very common called arepa, I don't know if the audience have heard of it. It’s like tortilla but more thick, made of corn actually and it's very useful for barbeque but yeah basically that's what it is. So you have the barbeque sauces and everything related to the barbeque, it’s in the shop.

Mike: Got you, very cool. Yeah I think it's a neat business. I think it's a great niche in a small market. You’ll be a lot more difficult to compete with something like this in the US but being that it's in Panama, you could obviously be able to advertise to the people directly in Spanish and be able to go after what I would imagine is a relatively niche market. My concern would be that just because I lived next door in Costa Rica for three years so I know a little bit about Latin America. And I think that the challenge for you probably is going to be the fact that most people just don't have a lot of money.

So it's going to be how many of them are online looking for this stuff. But the people that are, are probably going to be willing to spend to get the quality stuff.

Elias: Yeah basically, are two main issues, that one that you have told and credit card penetration in the country and almost in that all of Latin America. Here in Panama, we have 4 million people and in the capital city we have about one and a half million, and maybe I don't know, 20 to 30% of those people have actually a credit card. So yeah, basically ecommerce in general it's a little bit difficult here in Panama. It’s starting to grow and people are starting to get digital, and with credit cards and everything. But yeah basically, it's a very small niche as you told, and yeah we're driving with that.

Mike: Very well, I got a pretty decent background, so now I’ll flip the tables and instead of asking you questions I'll let you ask me questions, and hopefully I can be able to help you grow this business.

Elias: Great yeah basically my big concern is how should I approach the paid traffic with this kind of business? I mean we have been trying a little of Facebook marketing with a product carousels and basically the main placements and also some Instagram advertisement. And we have been having a couple of results, sometimes good, something really bad in terms of conversion. But I think till now we don't have a specific strategy and specific cold traffic awareness strategy and all of that. So, I would love to have your advice.

Mike: Yeah awesome, I love to talk about this. I think it definitely shed some light to this. So let me kind of approach a couple of different angles. So I think you do have some existing sales, so the first thing I would do is be looking through those people and seeing if there's anything in common about them. Are they mostly men? Are they mostly women? Are they buying it for themselves, are they shipping it to someplace else as a gift, things of this nature.

So, maybe you could even try to do a survey with your current customers, send out a survey, and offer a gift card or something to try to use that as a way to get higher participation to get as much information as you can about your current audience because Facebook ads are most successful when you can niche down. And just advertising to everyone who lives in Panama is never going to be a successful ad. You're going to want to try to advertise only to men that are 30 to 50 years old or only to people in a particular city. Maybe it's only in Panama City, or maybe the common thread is it's women that are buying it, or maybe the common thread is that it's a gift or whatever you can find that might be that common thread to start narrowing down the audience will make a huge difference.

Elias: Yeah, sorry yeah, in fact actually we already found out that they are mostly men so we try to target everything to men specifically, and also 25 to maybe 55 years old; it's the audience that better convert. And that's like the main factors we have in common in our customers right now. And also they're usually men that have a crave for a barbeque in the weekend and they want the product right away. So that's why we put same day delivery in several of our more sales product. And yeah, we're starting to find out that kind of thing like organically maybe.

Mike: Yeah, I mean it makes a lot of sense. I can kind of just again from my experience of being from America, I can imagine it being a guy that likes barbeque, that wants it now because most of the people that are into that have money and they have that I want it now and kind of like there's a movie called Willy Wonka Voice, like I want a [inaudible 00:13:35] I want it now kind of kind of attitude right? I guess I want this right now. And that's certainly prevalent in the United States, but it's an interesting twist. It's hard to explain I think in Central America when people are like that because there's just more disparity between the haves and have nots there.

So yeah man, I think that you’re narrowing down the advertising to just men, narrowing it down maybe by income. I don't know if they have that attribute in Panama or not.

Elias: I think we don't, I think we don’t.

Mike: I had a feeling that might be the case as I was sitting and I know that not every country has that. So you might have to narrow it down to other things. Maybe it's by neighborhood. At least this seems to be worldwide, but in Costa Rica I mean it was the — and I've been to Panama a few times, so I've seen it there as well. It's like usually like these affluent neighborhoods or buildings even you can target specifically because I believe you can target that geographically in Panama I would imagine. I don't think that that's a restriction that's just to the US.

Realistically, people that are in rural Panama, they're not going to buy this stuff. They don't have the money too and are probably not even online out there in rural Panama. So you're probably targeting Panama City specifically, certain geographic areas. Maybe there's other things that these people like because there's other interests you can stack a top of it, maybe it's even you start targeting men who like barbeque but it could also be men that like certain types of cars or boats or other expensive things that exists within Panama that only the upper class are involved in and trying to — then you're targeting men that are in a certain location and some other thing that probably means that they have money which means that they probably would be interested in the product.

Elias: Yeah, that's pretty good advice.

Mike: The only thing I would work on is a video because a video is probably grab their attention more than a carousel ad although sometimes carousel ads do quite well. But I think your advertising now and like Facebook is a interruption marketing platform. So people they're not looking for you at that moment at that time, so you need to figure out a way to get their attention, and some guy standing behind a barbeque or talking about the quality of the meat or the fact you can get it there quickly and showing imagery that captures their attention. It makes it kind of like a no brainer for them.

And maybe putting together like an introduction variety pack or something where they get some steaks and some hamburgers and I try tip or whatever other things that you have to offer in a variety pack to try all of your different stuff. And I think that where your money's going to be made in this type of businesses is repeat business. So if you can get the product in their hand and have a good mailer inside the package that's a discount off their next order, and then hitting them up with email marketing after they've gotten their products and trying to get people to get on some sort of regular delivery would be in my estimation where all the money would be made.

Elias: Yeah, in fact right now we have a 60% customer return. So yeah basically that's where the money is.

Mike: Yeah so I could definitely see running ads in a way that you're just trying to break even on the initial sale, and then if you got a 60% reorder rate then you know there's a good chance that they're going to reorder and be happy. So I mean I think that getting your post purchase email sequence down and making sure you're doing everything that you can to get these people to place those reorders is really important.

Elias: Yeah, we also recently implemented smile.io. So I don't know if you have a couple of tips or comments about it.

Mike: I've heard of Smile. It's like a retention program where you get points for…

Elias: Yeah loyalty yeah.

Mike: Okay. I've looked into that one before. I think that that's — you have the perfect type of products to make that work with. We haven't really been able to be successful with that in any of our brands. They're not really conducive for that. But this is one of those situations where you get people, you think that they need to keep on reordering to get a deal and that'll help those people who kind of just afford the product. But the people that are rich, they're not going to care, right. So they just they don't care.

Elias: Yeah, totally. Yeah.

Mike: I’m trying to think of a couple other strategies for you. One of the neat things that Facebook did earlier this year I think it was, they made it so you can look at other companies’ advertisements. And there is a company in the United States called Omaha Steaks, I'm not sure if you've heard of them or not.

Elias: No, Omaha Steaks.

Mike: Yeah, and they're pretty similar to what you're doing just like on a much, much bigger scale. They ship meat, the majority of their business is GIFs though so it's a lot of corporate clients buying that stuff and shipping it especially around the holidays. But there's definitely people that order their food through Omaha Steaks. The idea is that it's  really high quality meat that you can't find in a local store although I don't know, I know that that's necessarily the case. But the neat thing you can do is go to Omaha Steaks Facebook page after our call and look at all of their advertising.

So Facebook has made every ad public, and I assume that Omaha Steaks is running ads like nonstop. And you can take a look at the ones that they're running and get some creative inspiration for what you might be able to do with some advertising for your company and for your brand. Obviously they have a much bigger budget. I mean, this is a company that even has brick and mortar stores in the United States where you can go in and buy and or place orders, they’re marked that large.

But I think that they would be a great place to start to look at the messaging that they're using. Like, what are they saying as the ad copy looking at the actual video or imagery or carousel ads and seeing what they're doing, because obviously, you can see all the ads. You don't know which ones are successful. But if you see a common thread between all the ads, or if you continue to look at the ads over a longer period of time and you see the same ones that are there for a while you can probably glean that they are successful and you can try to replicate that for yourself in Panama.

And the other just one more thought that I was thinking of, I mean one thing that I definitely learned about Latin American culture just a lot of pride locally. So talking about that this is — I don't know if it's Panama beef or what part of Latin America comes out, but mentioning that it's Latino versus coming from the US or something probably would make a big difference.

Elias: Yeah, yeah this beef is from Nicaragua basically.

Mike: Okay perfect. Yeah so I mean like mentioning that, that it's not quite local at that point, but regionally raised beef in Nicaragua versus the United States which is — and you can even use the angle of the stuff in the US is like full of chemicals and crap and Nicaragua beef is almost certainly healthier than US beef, and mentioning that as a part of your messaging. But the thing that I do remember being kind of pervasive in Latino culture is that they don't necessarily care too much about the health part. So it's like whatever, it might be healthier, but that might not be something they care about.

Elias: Totally, we actually love all the junk food from the US.

Mike: Yeah, definitely, it’s like the more fat you can cook something in, the better.

Elias: Something like that.

Mike: Cool yeah but those are some initial thoughts that I have as far as how to target for Facebook ads. And I would imagine that the budget would be relatively small and conversions would be relatively cheap because there just isn't going to be a lot of competition for Facebook ads within Panama. So you happen to be in a great spot where the supply and demand is probably like completely reverse to how it is in the US.

I mean, in the United States, there's way more people trying to get eyeballs and they’re willing to spend way more money to get those eyeballs than in some of these developing parts of the world, because just there isn't as  as much competition as you said, there's only about 4 million people in Panama. And there’s just less businesses and there's less money in general, although Panama is it has more money than most of Latin America, it's still going to probably be better for you.

Elias: Yeah, in fact, how much money do you recommend to start with in terms of advertisement in Facebook specifically?

Mike: Yeah, I mean, it depends on what your average cost of conversion is ultimately going to be. But you're going to want to run a budget that's going to get you like at least one sale per day. If you're running a $2 a day budget, it's going to be tough to really understand what's going on. So I mean, now we usually launch with much bigger budgets because I want the answers quicker. But if you're doing $10 a day or $20 a day or something like that, which might be the average cost of one conversion; at least you're getting some data on a pretty consistent basis, and you can make some decisions over a week or two period of time whether or not something's working or not.

But if you get much lower than that, it's going to be difficult to really fully understand if what you're doing is actually working or not.

Elias: Yeah, and how many ads will you run to start learning about the audience?

Mike: I would say one ad per every 10 to $20. So for us, I mean, we’ll sometimes launch five to 10 variations of stuff just again, because we want data really quickly, but then we'll put a one to $200 per day budget on that. So there's multiple ads running per day with a big enough budget to really get an understanding. But if you're trying with smaller amounts of money, I would recommend just being a little more patient and running fewer combinations of things and trying to just basically be doing like AB testing versus the way that we do it sometimes is like ABCDEFG testing all at once.

Elias: And also I want to ask you — basically my market is based on the weekends because of the barbeque specifically, and what do you recommend in terms of email marketing automation for keep all the database like aware of the weekend is coming, make your order etc? What would be the right amount of emails on which day and that stuff?

Mike: Yeah. So I mean we use Klaviyo for our email marketing. It might be a little bit expensive for you since you're just kind of getting started, although it does scale up based on the number of emails that you do have. But the thing that's really nice about Klaviyo is you can segment things out really easy based on things that people have purchased in the past and then recommend other things or recommend more of the same exact thing. But I would be thinking about, like this is something you're going to want to test, but if you have same day delivery or next day delivery, you probably want that email to go out on Thursday. That way the beef gets delivered on Friday for their weekend barbeque.

And if you can deliver, if you can take an order on Friday and deliver on Saturday then maybe you want that email to go out on Friday. And I would also just — and this is always going to be, you got to be testing. So it's maybe you send two emails, maybe one is on Wednesday and one is on Thursday, one is on Wednesday, one is on Friday and just start testing. You send out every Wednesday for a month and take note of what the open rate is and what the order rate is. And then the next month do it on a Thursday and look at the data side by side, okay, well Thursday was clearly the better day to be sending out the emails. And that's typically how we’ll AB test something like that.

The thing that'll they'll screw with your mind a little bit is seasonality because maybe August is better than September for some of the stuff kind of thing. So sometimes you get a little bit of a weird data because of that. So what you can do to prevent that is one week you send it on Wednesday, the next week is send on Thursday, the next week you send on Wednesday, the next week you send on Thursday and just alternate back and forth over two months if you think that might be the problem. But however you do it just test it multiple times doing it one way, and then test it multiple times doing it the other way until you figure out exactly what day is better.

Elias: Thank you very much. Yeah basically, I think our biggest season will be the summer. Here in Panama we have main eight months of rain basically and four months of sun, and yeah we're waiting for that season. It should begin ending December January till, January through April.

Mike: Yeah it was the same in Costa Rica. It was like three seasons where you got the rainy season, the transition season, and the dry season.

Elias: Yeah, exactly.

Mike: Yeah. And I definitely looked forward to January through April every year. And right now around this time of year is when the peak of the rainy season was happening. So it was just like, stop really, I can't take it anymore. But at least it's warm.

Elias: Yeah, exactly yeah, warm and rainy.

Mike: Yes I mean, you're in a great spot, the seasons coming up, so over the next couple of months you can use this time to just to see what ads are working. And it's also a good time for Christmas is coming up so this could be a gift for people, so you could use this opportunity for that as well. But put yourself in the best position once January rolls around and the sun comes out that you've kind of got some of this dialed in.

Elias: Okay sure. Yeah.

Mike: Any other questions or thoughts you want to go over?

Elias: No. I mean we're trying also some kind of AUV improvements like cross cells and up sells obstacles, and also we started thinking in if we should turn the butcher shopping to a maybe like a daily with a lot of more products or maybe start selling like accessories for barbeque like knives and all that stuff. We're starting to thinking on that and make decisions of growth and expansion.

Mike: Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. I mean you obviously want to do everything you can to get your average order value up. If you're on Shopify, there's an app called OneClickUpsell that is a Zipify app, go to EcomCrew.com/Zipify if you want to use our affiliate link. And basically what you can do is when someone buys a product that you’ve tagged, then you can offer whatever other products you want as an upsell. So, if they buy a four pack of steaks, you can offer them an upsell to make it an eight pack for only X dollars more. Or you can offer them dessert or whatever at a discount, things of that nature, and you can exclude things that are already in the cart.

So if they've already bought a particular – let’s say they buy the steaks and in that dessert, you can offer them a side dish or something so they don't get up sold something that they've already got. And you can be pretty granular with it. And we've had pretty good luck with this. We have average over our company, 11% of people take an upsell, and that definitely helps raise our average order value pretty significantly. So that's definitely an opportunity for you just up selling stuff that you already have in the store.

And the thing I would caution about a little bit when you're just getting started, you can end up spinning your wheels a little bit by putting too much stuff in the store. And it also can in some cases, if you try to be everything to everybody; people get confused and frustrated and just leave, if you just have too many different options. So, I would try to focus on what you think your core business is to start with and really get that nailed down, because when you get to the point when you start selling knives and other things, it kind of muddies the water a little bit about what you're really good at. And if you're a butcher shop, you should be really good at meat.

So if I was going to expand into something, I would expand in the chicken or in the lamb or something that's a butcher shop type product, things that you would think of when you go into a traditional butcher shop. They're probably not going to be selling knives or corn on the cob or things of that nature, like a true butcher shop.

Elias: Yeah, totally yeah.

Mike: That being said, the other company I mentioned in the United States, Omaha Steaks, they do all that. They have all the side dishes and desserts and they probably even sell knives. I wouldn't be surprised. But again, they're a multi, multimillion dollar company, probably 10s of millions, or even 100 million, or possibly even a billion dollar company. I'm not sure how big they are. But they're definitely big. I wouldn't be surprised if they're into the hundreds of millions. So they've had to look for other ways to expand.

And again, I think a lot of it's because it's corporate gifts and things like that. They're trying to have a more rounded offering. But I think that, my guess is in Panama that there's probably a good niche for you to carve out that's more focused than trying to be a little bit of everything to everybody.

Elias: Sure, definitely. Yeah, I'm going to check out Omaha Steaks. Actually, we track a lot one company in the US called Snake River Farms. I don't know if you've heard of it.

Mike: I have not heard of them, no.

Elias: Yeah, but basically they also do the same, but they are not actually running any campaigns. So yeah I wasn't able to see that. But I definitely going to do it with the Omaha Steaks.

Mike: Yeah, I’d be very, very surprised that they're not running ads. They’re the kind of company I would expect they have a probably a big budget.

Elias: Yeah. I’m actually watching it right now and they have like a lot of ads running right now.

Mike: Okay perfect.

Elias: Like about 12.

Mike: Yeah, not surprised yeah and they're probably spending a lot of money on those. Have you tried like Google PPC at all?

Mike: No not very much. I think I run a campaign about five months ago, but I really didn't pay too much attention to it. So no, I have no experience with Google PPC.

Mike: I would imagine you're sticking — this is a guess, but I would imagine the search volume is low. The company [overlapping 00:34:56], but you can probably spend under $100 a month. I mean, seriously, just a small amount of money and get some sales, because I mean, I think that even though the search volume is low, it's probably not zero. And the competition is probably incredibly low because I mean, I don't think that there's a lot of butcher shop delivery type services there. So I think, again, you have a great niche where there just won’t be a lot of competition. And it might be worth just spending a little bit of time setting up some basic ads just to capture that traffic for the few people who are looking for it.

Elias: Sure, definitely yeah.

Mike: Cool. So any other thoughts or questions you wanted to ask?

Elias: No, I think I have pretty much to do and start testing right now.

Mike: Awesome. I'm excited for you. Like I said, it's an interesting business as most people that we talk to are like Amazon sellers and stuff. So it's cool talking to someone who's doing something completely different. I think that you have a cool little niche and there's neighbors too, right? You got Columbia to the south, Costa Rica to the north and Nicaragua is where this is coming from. You can probably run the same ads in those countries. And if you can drop ship to them directly from Nicaragua, then you have potentially once you figure how to make it work well in Panama, all of Central America or even potentially bleeding into Mexico or north and South America as potential as well. So I'm excited to see where things go for you over the next few months to a year.

Elias: Yeah, yeah exactly. We want to get there.

Mike: Yeah cool. Well, [foreign language 00:36:40].

Elias: [Foreign language 00:36:42].

Mike: Let me know how things go, definitely follow up with us. And we’d love to hear a follow up over the next few months from you.

Elias: Sure. Thank you very much Mike.

Mike: Very cool, have a great day.

And that's a wrap folks. I want to thank Elias again for coming on the EcomCrew Podcast doing the Under the Hood segment with us. Again, you can go to EcomCrew.com/UndertheHood to sign up to be on your very own Under the Hood episode. I definitely look forward to having you. Whoever you might be out there listening, go ahead and do it. It's not as scary as it might seem. That's been the number one thing people tell me is they're scared or they're intimidated to come on. And there's absolutely no reason that you should feel that way. It's definitely been something that I've really enjoyed doing. So, head over to EcomCrew.com/UndertheHood and until the next episode everybody, happy selling, and we'll talk to you then.

Michael Jackness

Michael started his first business when he was 18 and is a serial entrepreneur. He got his start in the online world way back in 2004 as an affiliate marketer. From there he grew as an SEO expert and has transitioned into ecommerce, running several sites that bring in a total of 7-figures of revenue each year.
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5 years ago

Thank you very much for having me. Lots of value bombs!

Dave Bryant
5 years ago
Reply to  Elias

Thanks Elias!

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