E271: Pivoting from a Gaming Platform to an Ecommerce Company

How time flies. We’re right past the middle of the year. Soon it’ll be the holidays, a busy time for any ecommerce seller.

People in ecommerce may have similar experiences, but don’t stumble into the industry in a lot of interesting ways. 

Daniel Buelhoff’s story is pretty out there.

A short time after graduating from college, he and his partners were able to raise €12 million to fund Smeet, a social gaming company. When that venture went south, he pivoted to ecommerce with an expiring Nespresso patent. Now, he sells physical products online through Gourmesso and is expecting 8-figure revenues. 

In this podcast you’ll learn:

  • How Daniel got his start in business (4:17)
  • How he and his partners raised €12 million in venture capital to start the gaming company Smeet (6:14)
  • How the changes on Facebook had an adverse effect on Smeet (9:54)
  • Transitioning to ecommerce with an expiring Nespresso patent  (13:55)
  • Achieving success with Gourmesso in such a crowded niche (22:23)
  • Expanding to the other niches and acquiring more businesses (29:25)
  • Some things that helped him grow his coffee business (34:53)

Listen as Daniel shares inspiring insights on finding a niche, maintaining it, and growing it to the n'th level. 

Michael Jackness

Michael started his first business when he was 18 and is a serial entrepreneur. He got his start in the online world way back in 2004 as an affiliate marketer. From there he grew as an SEO expert and has transitioned into ecommerce, running several sites that bring in a total of 7-figures of revenue each year.
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