E343: The Other Side of the Coin: How the Pandemic Helped Some Ecommerce Businesses Grow

While COVID-19 has caused some serious drawbacks to a lot of businesses all around the world, there are some lucky business owners out there who, instead of experiencing loss, have seen their revenues rise instead.

Chris Cage’s company, Greenbelly, is one such business.

It seems like so long ago when Chris and I saw each other, and with all the things going on, I felt like we needed to catch up to see how his business is affected by the pandemic.

In this episode, we’ll take a look at how COVID affected the behavior of Chris’ target market and how it helped increase his sales.


  • What happened to Mike’s and Chris’ businesses at the start of the pandemic – 2:35
  • How the pandemic affected Greenbelly – 8:12
  • How Chris made sure that Greenbelly had enough inventory – 17:04
  • Other mediums Chris had been working on to improve his business – 18:05
  • Chris’ content marketing secrets – 24:17
  • How Chris manages his company’s Youtube channel – 29:10
  • Mike’s plans for the EcomCrew Youtube channel – 31:50
  • The challenges and advantages of podcasting – 35:00
  • How Mike grew the EcomCrew podcast – 38:00
  • Chris’ plans for Greenbelly – 40:50

If you want to know more about Greenbelly, you can visit their official website or listen to Episode 298, where Chris and I talked about how he started his business.

If you want to increase your revenue just like Chris did, join us on November 12 at 10 AM (PST) so we can show you how we improved our products to make them stand out from the rest. The days of simply ordering products from Alibaba and stamping them with your label just doesn’t cut it anymore. Give more umph to what you sell so you can do the same to your revenue.

If you like our free content, you’ll love our paid subscription! We will be opening EcomCrew Premium for the last time on Black Friday, and if you’re still unsure about whether to join, now is the time to toss the doubts away because this time, we will be giving the biggest discount ever!

Sign up for the waitlist so you don’t miss this opportunity because when we reopen next year, we’ll revert to our regular prices.

And whether or not you grab this chance to sign up for Premium, we still appreciate your support for EcomCrew. Please leave us a review over on iTunes if you haven’t already. It helps us reach more people who can benefit from our content.

Until the next episode, happy selling!

Michael Jackness

Michael started his first business when he was 18 and is a serial entrepreneur. He got his start in the online world way back in 2004 as an affiliate marketer. From there he grew as an SEO expert and has transitioned into ecommerce, running several sites that bring in a total of 7-figures of revenue each year.
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