E356: Passion to Profit: Why Hobbies Make the Best Product Niches

I absolutely dread bees. But for this episode, I’m casting my fear aside because our guest is someone who’s made a thriving e-commerce business out of his personal hobby—beekeeping.

Adam Hickman is an EAS Master Beekeeper and the founder of Foxhound Bee Company, a full-service beekeeping company in Alabama. It offers everything from honey, to cypress hive parts, to educational content about beekeeping. 

In this Under the Hood episode, we talk about how he turned his personal hobby into an e-commerce business and why I think hobbies make the best niches.

We then unpack some pain points which could also… sting your company, including his inefficiencies with Amazon, concerns about suppliers in China, and hiring his first employee.


I’d like to thank Adam for coming on the show. Check out his buzzworthy products and classes on https://www.foxhoundbeecompany.com.

If you’re currently struggling to turn leads into sales or are looking to maximize your conversion rate, join our upcoming Free Public Webinar on January 21 at 10 AM (PST), where we’ll be sharing a tried-and-tested roadmap for turning your potential customers into actual buyers.

Got a hobby that you’d like to turn into a profitable e-commerce business? We’d love to hear from you! Also, don’t forget to leave us a review over on iTunes.

Happy selling!

Michael Jackness

Michael started his first business when he was 18 and is a serial entrepreneur. He got his start in the online world way back in 2004 as an affiliate marketer. From there he grew as an SEO expert and has transitioned into ecommerce, running several sites that bring in a total of 7-figures of revenue each year.
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