Episode 53: How to Build Traffic Away From Amazon Part 3 – Facebook Ads

Grant is back with us today and we are going to continue our series on How to Get Off Amazon. Today’s episode is part 3. Part 1 was when we discussed PPC (pay per click) ads. Part 2 we discussed the role SEO (search engine optimization) in getting your own site noticed away from Amazon.

Part 3 of this topic is how to use Facebook ads to build an audience. Today we’re going to talk about why people don’t use Facebook ads and how to find your audience in an ocean of Facebook users.

Today’s Topics:

  • How Cyber Monday went for us.
  • The 2 reasons people don’t use Facebook ads.
  • The mistake most ecommerce founders make with Facebook ads.
  • What is interruption marketing?
  • How banner ads have changed.
  • Mike’s strategy of targeting his audience.
  • Grant’s strategy of targeting his audience.
  • How to market to a niche.

Next time we’re going to discuss part 4 of How to Get Off Amazon. Part 4 will be about how to create value for your audience. Mike will also revisit this topic with the best performing Facebook ads. Remember we do a live podcast on our Facebook page every Monday, If you like our Facebook page at Facebook.com/ecomcrew you can join us for the episodes.

Resources Mentioned Today:



Ecom Crew Facebook Page

If you have any questions or anything you’d like us to discuss on the podcast please go to ecomcrew.com and fill out the contact form. Also we would really appreciate if you would leave us a review on iTunes. Thanks for listening!

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7 years ago

Vehicles are very, very different than most of the products your listeners will be selling. Also the marketing and amount of PR work that goes into them is on a much larger scale. It’s not a good comparison for an ecommerce discussion.

If you are dropping $35k on a car, yeah there’s going to be more money spent on getting you to buy it. :)

7 years ago

Love this podcast. Thanks for sharing the facebook ads experience. My niche is more like cuttingboard.com, high priced luxury items. Can Grant share some tips on how he drives traffic to his site? Is it SEO or google shopping or facebook ads? Maybe another episode on more luxury items?

Grant Chen
7 years ago
Reply to  Eve

Thanks Eve. I’ll see if we can’t work that into one of our future podcasts. Thanks for listening! Luxury items is definitely a very different realm.

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