E329: How to Develop Content and Find the Best Writers

Hello, everyone! Welcome to E329 of the Ecomcrew Podcast, and part 2 of our content-development topic.

Dave and I delve deeper into the hows of creating great content that bring in the much-needed organic traffic for your ecommerce site.

Relying solely on paid advertisements isn’t a good tactic for any business. A collection of helpful content in your site not only brings leads in but also helps you develop a more meaningful relationship with them.

In this episode, we talk about

  • How to get started – 5:30
  • How much you should spend on content – 9:35
  • The importance of a pillar article 14:50
  • Internal linking- 15:50
  • How Mike started with Tactical – 16:20
  • What makes great content – 19:30
  • Structuring your articles to answer multiple questions – 23:37
  • How to train writers – 25: 30
  • Images in content – 26:20
  • Tools we use to write – 29:00
  • Dealing with bounce rates – 33:50
  • Stats for some of Mike’s sites – 37:40
  • Hiring internally vs. hiring freelancers – 39:50
  • Countries where you can hire freelance writers – 41:33

Check out Kristiana’s awesome article to learn more about how she manages our sites and brings in the traffic we need to increase our sales.

This episode is a great companion to an old one with Katrina McKinnon. Get to know the SEO techniques she used to drive traffic to her ecommerce site.

Join us on our EcomCrew Live Open Office Hours this August 26 at 11 am Pacific / 2 pm Eastern.

If you haven’t already, tell us your thoughts about the podcast and get a chance to win all our courses.

This survey runs until the end of the month, and with only a few people joining in, you have more chances of winning the course bundle.

If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review on iTunes. We’d love to hear how this podcast helps you.

You can also leave us a comment below so we can start a conversation.

Happy selling!

Michael Jackness

Michael started his first business when he was 18 and is a serial entrepreneur. He got his start in the online world way back in 2004 as an affiliate marketer. From there he grew as an SEO expert and has transitioned into ecommerce, running several sites that bring in a total of 7-figures of revenue each year.
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